Wouldn’t You Like 5X’s Better Results Coaching Screenagers?

DrWarren sharing research on tracking learning and engaging Screenagers in the classroom

Wouldn’t You Like 5X’s Better Results Coaching Screenagers?

Don’t you believe you could achieve 5X’s better results engaging with your Screenagers (and we’re all Screenagers nowadays)?
As I continually survey my coaching clients (because seeing their own learning analytics is massively powerful [it’s a both sides of the brain thing]) the results are far higher than 5X’s better.
According to a study findings from a study by Manchester Review, coaching can improve productivity 53%.
Why does coaching have such a dramatic impact?

DrWarren sharing research on tracking learning and engaging Screenagers in the classroom
DrWarren sharing research on tracking learning and engaging Screenagers in the classroom

I will tell you from the research and my experience,”Highly professional coaches don’t tell clients what to do.”
A highly professional coach use the process of presentingquestioninglisteningresponding, and encouraging (all from a wisdom view) to support clients to make changes for their own benefit.
Most all of my training courses (both face-to-face and online) use coaching-like information gathering to help participants gather their own learning analytics to support and empower themselves to make changes for their own benefit.  
You ask, “What do you mean by coaching when we are engaging with Screenagers?”
A coaching mindset is a huge risk, but aren’t your screenagers worth it?
When you’re engaging with your Screenagers focuses on the ideas shared in the past few blogs: presentingquestioninglisteningresponding, and encouraging? (Beyond the notion that encouraging implies giving courage, encouraging ties into relevance which I will share later.)
Are you taking risks and engaging these when you’re with your Screenagers?
In every time you are engaging with Screenagers are you engaging?
most of us are thinking about what, ‘we want for ourselves,’ and yet Dale Carnegie tells us to, “Arouse in the other person an eager want.”
What if you could arouse in your Screenagers an eager want for optimal engagement, high value engagement in life?
What would that mean to engaging Screenagers in their lifetime of happiness?
Happiness doesn’t just happen, as Csikszentmihalyi, tells us in his book on Flow, happiness is a byproduct of where we focus our attention.
My practice and research on optimal engagement, for over 26 years now, has shown that conscious growing and developing supports that happiness.  
When was the last time you took a risk and choose to do something different?
My (almost) Screenagers are in IB (International Baccalaureate) schools, and in that system they are learning the importance of taking risks to learning and growing.
One day I realized and now I’m saying to you and to myself, “If you don’t take on any new risks, you will never grow and the younger generation of Screenagers will have left you behind.”
I’ll never say it’s easy, but the risk, growth effort is what makes you happy.

Yesterday, I got an email asking why I keep talking about practicing and rehearsing, and my response is, continually bringing your attention back to focus and engaging in purposeful effort on something builds connections in your brain that, over time, build happiness.
Aren’t your Screenagers worth practicing and rehearsing your coaching for happiness?

Take risks, think wisdom, and coach for encouragement.

You can see examples of screen innovations for Optimal Experiences at JOIN THE CURATION: Google+.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following you then.
Keep it simple.
All the Best, Warren
Dr Warren LINGER © 2017


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