7 Questions you need to create your brand name – Content Marketing

Your Content Marketing Mentor, Doc Warren LINGER, Adds value to the reader’s life. Avinash Kaushik Image qz.com #CultureContentMarketing #ContentMarketingblog, #GlobalContentMarketing
What is in a name? How does one choose a name to build influence? These are questions my client Mark, asked me the other day.
Mark is trying to rebuild his brand image to ensure people remember him. So, he was somewhat frustrated not knowing the process and asked me to help him.

Can you build influence like this to make people curious?

It’s my job to take the overwhelm out of business branding, online marketing, and social media. I break it down to help so you can build your influence with your customers.
In my professional practice, therefore I work with my clients to follow these questions to create their brand names.
  1. What is the purpose your name will fill? (attract, excite, interest, motivate, comfort)
  2. How will your new brand name align with current product or service names?
  3. What type of name will support your business goals? (founder’s name, description, made-up)
  4. Would your new name be too similar to any other current brand name?
  5. Could your name be confusing, mispronounced, misspelled, difficult to say on the phone, etc?
  6. Who will help you brainstorm lists of potential names? (to produce a great name, you need a lot of good names)
  7. How will you test your name with your existing and potential customers?

Build influence with these tools to create likability and trust

As Mark stated working through these questions, he became more comfortable. So, now Mark as developed his new name and is testing it.
When he has officially unveiled his name, I would be honored to share it with you. As you can see, this process isn’t too difficult, but it does take some focus for great results.
Also, here are some name generator sites that can help you generate multiple names for your business.  Alyssa Gregory, at thebalancesmb.com developed a great list of name generators.
Although the list is below, please check Alyssa’s post for her great discussions.
  1. Anadea Business Name Generator
  2. Wordlab Business Name Generator
  3. Business Name Generator (BNG)
  4. Dot-O-Mator Name Generator
  5. NameMesh
  6. Namesmith
  7. NameStation
  8. Naming.net
  9. NetSubstance.com Brand Name Generator
  10. Shopify Business Name Generator
Hope this helps you get up and go to work instead of waiting for inspiration.

Build influence with these tools, instil trust, and win new customers

Learn to confidently write and localize with these cultural value preferences, you can read my past blogs:
Get more customers when you learn how to localize for your target cultures in social media and more:
Build your success when you use these rules to localize your content marketing strategy for other cultures:

DEFINITION: Giggers – those who have started their own Gig to live the New Gig Economy Lifestyle.

Today I am focusing on Gig Business Success Step-2: Know your CLAN and build them up.

Your 5-Step Gigger Success Process: Build Influence
Your 5-Step Gigger Success Process: Build Influence

Check this to Localize Content Marketing Blog services case of doing…

A healthy does of truth serum here. Many people want to do this business, yet they never actually DO it…
Same thing happens often in writer’s circles. People often “say” they are a writer, yet they never write. They never publish. And so they struggle.
Stephen King says it well: “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration. The rest of us just get up and go to work.”
Same line of thought applies to this business pretty well too, doesn’t it? The best writers and business people have rituals.
They sit down, for example from 9 AM till noon, and they WORK. Or they work from 9 PM till midnight.

This isn’t too complicated, and so I know you can master it soon?

Results and “SUCCESS” doesn’t care if we’re inspired or not. Just like a treadmill doesn’t care if we’re inspired to hop on it and walk to lose weight.
If we just “walk” inspired or not, we get RESULTS! The money and results and amazing life comes, if we’ll only sit down and do the work, day by day…
Hope this helps!
The process simply works, IF you’ll work it.
In your corner.

Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life. Avinash Kaushik

Warren Linger
PS Right now, you even get a free coach consultation to help get you up and running, ASAP…

NOTE: So, if you don’t learn to use personal brand building tools, you may soon join the 80% of small businesses that fail within the first 5 years!
PS: So the next time you will learn another step to your Gigger success and also localize culture content marketing blog tools. And if you would like more developing your Gig business to the next level and living your optimal lifestyle, great. First email me at drwarren@cict.co, or second click NOW for your free consultation.

Hope this helps.
Doc Warren Linger
PS You’ll also be able to join our private support groups on FB… so you’re never alone in getting your first few months of holiday vacation opening up.
We’ll all be there to celebrate your big successes, and also to help you up if and when you should ever fall…

Live your optimal lifestyle and promote it when you build influenceBuild Influence and live your optimal lifestyle
Live your optimal lifestyle and promote it when you build influence

==> Email drwarren@cict.co or click NOW to coach yourself to your new optimal lifestyle freedom.
You can see examples of innovations for Optimal Experiences at JOIN THE CURATION: Google+.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.


All client info has been scrubbed of identifying information unless they have given me specific, written permission to quote them.
Culture success skills adapted from: Cultures and Organizations: Software for the Mind 2nd Ed. (2005) Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede, McGraw Hill, New York.
*Entrepreneurial Foundation>Success Skills adapted from World Life Skills Expert, Jill Raiguel’s awesome book, “The Next Step,” (1991) Amethyst Books, New York.
Your Content Marketing Mentor, Doc Warren LINGER, Adds value to the reader’s life. Avinash Kaushik Image qz.com #CultureContentMarketing #ContentMarketingblog, #GlobalContentMarketing
7 Questions you need to create your brand name – Content Marketing
Learn more > https://cict.co/7-questions-create-brand-name/
Can you build influence like this to make people curious? Build influence with these tools to create likability and trust. Build influence with these tools, instil trust, and win new customers. Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life. Avinash Kaushik
#WarrenLINGER, #personalbrandbuilding, #buildinfluence, #culturecontentmarketing, #contentmarketingservices, #contenttools, #contentmarketingblog, #localization, #localize, #contentmarketingtools 
Dr Warren LINGER © 2018


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