7 Reasons to Create Your Own eJournal Engaging Screenagers
7 Reasons to Create Your Own eJournal Engaging Screenagers
You know how all the big time professional speakers who are crazy wealthy say to record your thoughts in a journal?
Well it’s true, the journal is a great way to get your ideas from the emotional side of your head to the logical side.
Why don’t people journal more often?
Isn’t it because our world is going so fast and everything is changing?
Who can keep a journal with them at all times(?) and if you’re driving…
This all sounds pretty tough.
If there was a better way you would like to know it wouldn’t you?

For years I’ve been using eJournals to capture quick reflections when I’m hiking, driving, etc.
An eJournal (like an eWorkbook) is made with a Google Form and you can just save it on your phone homescreen or desktop.
Or, scan this QR CODE and give it a quick try.

Here are my top 7 reasons to use and eJournal.
Reason 1
Your eJournal is always with you on your device homescreen or desktop.
Reason 2
Your eJournal is quick and easy to use, as you just open your phone and there it is.
Reason 3
You can talk into your device using the microphone and it will turn your speech to text so you can read it quickly.
Reason 4
If you want to remember something or some details you just open>tap>talk.
Reason 5
It is free. All you need is a Gmail account
Reason 6
You can make your own totally customized version to ask and answer whatever you want.
Reason 7
You always have your phone with you.
Some of you may be asking, “How did you come up with this idea, Warren?”
And some of you may not care, but if you are still reading I’ll tell you anyway.
How I started teaching with eWorkbooks .
As a trainer and university lecturer in the USA, I had great success in my training and classrooms by engaging my learners in ways I had learned from my Dale Carnegie Instructor Training. (optimal engagement)
Teaching in university in Hong Kong, at first I created paper workbooks for students, but they were not too interested and I couldn’t assess the workbooks’ value or student learning. (junk engagement)
I began to search for alternatives and I struggled testing new apps, etc., until I found eWorkbooks, and after testing began to use them full time in the class.
Then we used eWorkbooks (Google Forms with the training slides as well as interactive questions, curating links and tasks, example images and videos, etc. which trainees (Engaging Screenagers) completed using their mobile devices) for interactive learning.
Students used eWorkbooks to answer questions, interact, share learning reflections, etc. while I lead the discussion, and after they submitted their answers, they would get their responses sent to their inbox so they could review their learning Moments of Growth. (optimal engagement)
Because the students’ responses from eWorkbooks go right into a spreadsheet in real-time, as the teacher I can monitor what students are doing to give them guidance in the moment, as well as track their learning develop over time.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could help your Engaging Screenagers build the habit of reflecting into an eJournal?
Can’t you see how helpful this would be everyone’s lives and happiness?
Won’t we be stunting our growth and the withholding our talents and creativity from everyone when we don’t record our thoughts?
Record thoughts in your eJournal, you’ll be more successful.
Remember, come join tomorrow to see more Improving Your Engagement with Screenagers and others inspirational experiences and ideas for Optimal Engagement in the ScreenAge.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.
All the Best, Warren
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Dr Warren LINGER © 2017
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