2 Ways you need to compare teachers and influencers–Content Marketing

Influencer researcher, Warren LINGER, Word of mouth on steroids Jeff Bullas Image HerBusiness #makepositivitylouder, #mindsetiseverything, #microinfluencer,

At that conference, in my talk I mentioned how I compare teachers and influencers.

Recently, I had the honor of speaking at the United Nations, UNESCO MOST Conference. At that conference, in my talk I mentioned how I compare teachers and influencers.
Since the conference the one topic I’ve had the most questions since the conference is on micro-influencers. I thought that is interesting as being in academic fraternity we are naturally micro influencers.
To explain to you I wanted to compare teachers and influencers. So here is my look at teachers and micro influencers as they both screen, enrol, and keep followers loyal.

The good teacher view of screening, enrolling, and keeping followers loyal.

The good teacher:
  • finds a topic she or he enjoys and continues to study said topic for years until qualified to teach the topic.
  • has her or his own personal passion focus on the topic and gets a job teaching that topic.
  • invites students into a classroom (or training room) and the good teacher introduces the content topic and her or himself to the class.
  • will encourage students to introduce themselves and share why they enrolled or what they want to gain from being in the class.
  • gives class ground rules how everyone is to get along to get the most out of the learning experience.
  • shares the more detailed content with the students in the following class meetings and online.
  • begins sharing stories and exercises to help learners get the most out of class.
  • encourages students to explore the content while learning about themselves and how they respond to the new content.
  • helps the students feel strong, capable, and interested to use the content as well as learn more about the content after the course.

The digital micro influencer view of screening, enrolling, and keeping followers loyal.

The effective influencer:
  • finds her or his niche and studies compelling content in that niche.
  • innovates her or his own personal focus on the niche and develops compelling content.
  • attracts followers to connect (connect/subscribe/follow/friend in social media) with the influencer by giving an email address to subscribe (usually in exchange for some valuable content about the niche.)
  • receives the connection subscription (for email and sometimes on social media), the influencer introduces her or himself to the new follower using an autoresponder (or bot’s in social media).
  • may ask new followers for their preferences to learn why they connected or what they want to gain from their connection.
  • continues to produce [vlogs/blogs/posts] content that aligns with the needs/interests of the subscriber.
  • encourages followers to explore her or his content and share it with others.
  • continually curates content that may be interesting, entertaining, or valuable to followers.
  • evaluates content engagement by checking views, clicks, likes, shares, etc., based on the different curated content.
  • notices engagement levels and if there is low engagement, the influencers analyses why or avoids similar content in the future.
  • continues to share more engaging curated content and actions of interest to followers, while asking followers to share the content with others.
  • encourages followers to explore the content and learn about themselves and how they are better based on the content.
  • valuable content helps followers feel stronger, more well equipped, and more able to function in the world of the influencer’s niche.

What is the main difference when we compare teachers and influencers?

The main difference when we compare teachers and influencers: The good teacher most often gets students assigned to her or his class and wins following through teaching and sharing new and valuable content. The micro influencer goes out and finds individuals with content and wins following with new and valuable content.
Hope this helps.
I became a teacher because there have been several teachers in my life who influenced me. They saw more in me than I saw in myself. Those teachers influenced me to be better. So now in my life I want to be that person who sees more in others and influence them to be better.
Do you have any colleagues who may be interested in learning more about becoming influencers? Please forward this email to them so they can compare teachers and influencers.

Influencers are important… It is good old fashion word of mouth recommendations on steroids. Jeff Bullas

Thanks in advance and hope to talk again soon.
All the best,

Remember to check us out and engage again next time.

Keep it simple


All client info has been scrubbed of identifying information unless they have given me specific, written permission to quote them.
Influencer researcher, Warren LINGER, Word of mouth on steroids Jeff Bullas Image HerBusiness#makepositivitylouder, #mindsetiseverything, #microinfluencer,
2 Ways you need to compare teachers and influencers–Content Marketing
Learn more > https://cict.co/2-ways-compare-influencers-and-teachers/
At that conference, in my talk I mentioned how I compare teachers and influencers. The good teacher view: screening, enrolling, and keeping followers loyal.
#makepositivitylouder, #mindsetiseverything, #influencermarketing, #WarrenLINGER, #microinfluencer
Dr Warren LINGER © 2018


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