9 New ways you need to see customers like students-Content Marketing
9 New ways you need to see customers like students-Content Marketing
The other day my client Joanie and I were working on her influencer impact and I asked her what she sold. She told me and then I asked her what outcome she really sold. Next, I asked Joanie if she remembered a great teacher, and didn’t that teacher see more in her? I asked Joanie to see customers like students as if we was a great teacher.
Think of customers as great teachers thinks of their students. Great teachers focus on building their students and helping their students grow beyond their current thinking, state, and/or performance.
Isn’t that what the great teachers have done for you in your life? As I think about it my most impactful teachers have done that for me.
I’m not just talking about teachers in school. I can, and I’m sure you could as well, think of great managers or trainers who saw more in you and pushed you to be and do more.
How can you think of your customers as if you were a great teacher?
My favorite coaches and mentors have done that for me. I would be nothing without my best mentors and coaches.
We don’t have teachers, coaches, and mentors just to give them their fees. We have teachers, coaches, and mentors because we know they can see more in us and support us to do more than we can on our own.
Zig Ziglar has a great quote. “When someone buys a ¼ inch drill they don’t want the drill, they want ¼ inch holes.” When you focus on that outcome your influencer power comes out.
Can you build your influencer impact like this to make people curious?
In her Step Into The Spotlight Program my friend Tsufit asks a great question. “What are you really selling? Escape? Youth? Fun? Hope? Relief? Comfort? Security? Freedom?” If that outcome is your focus your selling becomes educating, inspiring, and helping.
The ONE question you need to answer to sell your product or service is… What outcome are you selling?
Build your influencer impact with these tools to create likability and trust
Are you selling:
- Escape?
- Youth?
- Fun?
- Hope?
- Relief?
- Comfort?
- Security?
- Freedom?
- Lifestyle?
Check this to build your influencer impact services case of doing…
Is this holding you back too? Many of us are afraid to put our own voice out there. To start up a business.
To put our full heart into something. Why? One word. REJECTION.
Hearing a no. Getting an unsubscribe. Someone hitting “spam” from an email note we just put our best into.
Here’s the thing… Most of the time—they’re not rejecting YOU.
They’re often not even rejecting your business opportunity, or offer either. Here’s what “could” be, and is most often the case.
Their circumstances don’t allow them to do it. They can’t afford it. They’re not interested anymore. They inherited a million bucks.
This isn’t too complicated, and so I know you can master it soon?
Fix this, and your results may soar. Because of a few sleazy car salesman and the such, the word “sales” often carries a negative or bad tone to many folks. And, it’s holding them back. Badly.
Often, all we need to do is flip how we “think” about this.
Because here’s the reality. If you
- truly believe in what you’re selling
- know in your heart it’s a superior solution in your marketplace
- think it will make people better off in ways they desire
And if you feel it can bring your fellow human beings to a much better place they may not otherwise get to? Then isn’t it our moral OBLIGATION to get our message out there to as many people as we possibly can?
And yet, we don’t have to be “salesy” to do that. We…
- educate
- inspire
- help
I believe in it. I feel it’s my obligation. And for the right person, I know it can be life-changing for them.
“If you’ve had any modicum of success, you sort of have a responsibility to send the elevator back down.” Peter Shankman
Hope this helps.
Warren Linger
PS Right now, you even get a free coach consultation to help get you up and running, ASAP…
Remember to check us out and engage next time.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.
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All client info has been scrubbed of identifying information unless they have given me specific, written permission to quote them.
Your Content Marketing Mentor, Doc Warren LINGER, Any modicum of success Peter Shankman Image StartupNation.com #CultureContentMarketing #ContentMarketingblog, #GlobalContentMarketing
9 ways you need to see customers like students–Content Marketing
Learn more > https://cict.co/9-ways-see-customers-like-students/
How can you think of your customers as if you were a great teacher? Can you build your influencer impact to make people curious like a great teacher? “If you’ve had any modicum of success, you sort of have a responsibility to send the elevator back down.” Peter Shankman
#influencermarketing, #WarrenLINGER, #personalbrandbuilding, #influencerimpact, #culturecontentmarketing, #contentmarketingservices, #contenttools, #contentmarketingblog, #localization, #localize, #contentmarketingtools
Dr Warren LINGER © 2018
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