5 Ways you need to see customers are students–Content Marketing
What are the 5 ways you need to see customers are students in Content Marketing?
Remember my mentoring client Joanie from a previous blog? Later Joanie asked me, “It just seems like with content marketing we see customers are students. So, to be a great content marketer do we need to be a great teacher?”
Yes, and think about your favorite teachers and how they impacted your life. I’m sure you are like me and there are times when you are on your way to work or the store and you see content that just takes your breath away.
I am a teacher, and as a teacher my mission is to help others like the great teachers in my life have helped me. Every day when I walk into a classroom or a client’s office, I pray that I can support them like I was supported by my teachers.
What is your job if you are a teacher (an influencer) when you see customers are students?
- Teach your students.
- Tell them stories.
- Show them pictures.
- Give them videos.
- Share your emotions.
Can you build your influencer impact with content marketing with these 5 steps?
- Find those students who love what you teach. There are over seven billion people on the planet and over 4 billion of them have internet access. It isn’t that difficult to connect with similar thinkers.
- Connect with them and learn to teach it better. As this is the age of digital relationships, we are accepting digital interactions more and more.
- Learn to ask what they need more learning. In those interactions we can learn what others want and how they want it to receive your information.
- Give them more of what they have asked. Now more than ever, we want to use automation tools to give instant feedback and to give more than what others expect.
- Reward them your students (customers) as a great teacher would reward. It is not enough to just give information, or not just more badges, or not more opportunity to buy more, you need to give rewards of the heart.
Remember, yesterday we talked about what you are really selling? In some way you want to highlight how what teach will give your students:
- Escape
- Youth
- Fun
- Sex
- Hope
- Relief
- Comfort
- Security
- Freedom
- Lifestyle
I am a teacher. As a teacher (business owner, manager, trainer, mentor, coach) my mission is to help others like the great teachers in my life have helped me.
“Both poverty and wealth are excellent things, because they are extremes, but the middle ground is damaging to the soul.” — Pamela Moore
Hope this helps.
Warren Linger
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All client info has been scrubbed of identifying information unless they have given me specific, written permission to quote them.
Your Content Marketing Mentor, Doc Warren LINGER, Middle ground is damaging to the soul. — Pamela Moore Image GeeksChip #makepositivitylouder, #mindsetiseverything, #influencermarketing,
5 Ways you need to see customers are students–Content Marketing
Learn more > https://cict.co/5-ways-see-customers-are-students/
What is your job if you are a teacher (an influencer) when you see customers are students? Can you build your influencer impact with content marketing-5 steps?
#makepositivitylouder, #mindsetiseverything, #influencermarketing, #WarrenLINGER, #personalbrandbuilding, #influencerimpact, #culturecontentmarketing, #contentmarketingblog, #localization, #localize,
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