3-Tips Turn Every Class to Focus Groups Engaging Screenagers

DrWarren business plan workshop Engaging Screenagers

3-Tips Turn Every Class to Focus Groups Engaging Screenagers

Yesterday I was leading a workshop, and in the workshop there were 4 groups of 5-6 people.
From the beginning of the workshop, I taught from eWorkbooks (Google Forms like I have used for so many years with my Engaging Screenagers,) so they participants had become comfortable with the tool.
Tip-1: Use eWorkbooks in every class
At one point I wanted their feedback on using Google Forms as eWorkbooks as they began to prepare their business plans.
From my previous research on learning with eWorkbooks, I had my script and participant questions, so they had been tested for validity and reliability.

Tip-2: Prepare and test the script and questions in advance
I had given them guiding themes (slightly different focus for each group,) but the eWorkbook questions were all general (flexible) enough to support the different themes.
Tip-3: Let them share, discuss, and respond
I reflected back after the workshop, and realized the groups had functioned like focus groups, as they had explored the ideas like a focus group would.
DrWarren business plan workshop Engaging Screenagers
DrWarren business plan workshop Engaging Screenagers

Although a few times they spoke in Chinese, all their answers were written in English.
Also, this was not quite like a focus group as I didn’t:
  • record with either video or audio
  • facilitate each individual group the whole time
  • select the participants based on their backgrounds or experiences
  • reserve a specific focus group venue
  • enroll a neutral facilitator
Often arranging the above details would often be a logistical nightmare
(junk engagement), so it would happen only in special situations.
You ask, “How effective were these focus groups?”
Based on what I saw from their responses, I would say this method was about 60% as effective as setting up a dedicated focus group.
Having said that, I would like to remind you that there were 4 groups so they still gave me a great deal of valuable data from their discussions.
In our world that is becoming more and more data driven, we are being asked to show analytics on most everything, and eWorkbooks are an easy way to test questions, collect data, show analytics, etc.
Although this example was about the learning materials, in the past I’ve lead similar exercises in time management seminars and the groups transformed into strategic time planners.
Using eWorkbooks, you can collect those moments of engagement where participants share their ideas.

How to Win Friends & Influence People
Couldn’t you see how this method could become mainstream to improve education and training?
Don’t Engaging Screenagers of all ages deserve to have their preferences heard?

Over the Top
Woan’t there be serious long term repercussions if we have free tools like eWorkbooks and we chose not to use them?

Collect analytics from learning and make it more valuable.

You can see examples of screen innovations for Optimal Experiences at JOIN THE CURATION: Google+.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.
All the Best, Warren
Dr Warren LINGER © 2017


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