3 Stories: Transfer Curations Into Work Engaging Screenagers

DrWarren entrepreneur business plan curating workshop Engaging Screenagers

3 Stories: Transfer Curations Into Work Engaging Screenagers

A while back I lead my “Execution for Results” training seminar for an entrepreneurial friend of mine and his employees.

Their training included communication effectiveness, time management, project management, negotiation skills, etc.
In that training session we used eWorkbooks (Google Forms with the training slides as well as interactive questions, curating links and tasks, example images and videos, etc. which trainees (Engaging Screenagers) completed using their mobile devices) for interactive learning. (optimal engagement)
When trainees use eWorkbooks to answer questions, interact, etc. while I trained, and after they submitted their answers, they would get their learning sent to their inbox so they could be reminded of their learning Moments of Growth(optimal engagement)
Something interesting happened that day. (Actually it happens whenever we use eWorkbooks in training.)
Often we hear that frontline employees don’t care about doing a good job and helping the company, but I think everyone has caring in them.

How to Win Friends & Influence People
I had several frontline jobs when I was growing up, and I believe that when those frontline employees have done a task a couple thousand times, those frontline employees have generally come up with a few suggestions on how to do the job better.

But because of position, culture, etc., those frontline employees are not willing to share their ideas.  (junk engagement)

DrWarren entrepreneur business plan curating workshop Engaging Screenagers
DrWarren entrepreneur business plan curating workshop Engaging Screenagers

An interesting thing happened when the trainees used their eWorkbooks in to curate solutions for the challenges we identified in the session.
Let me share a story of their training experiences:
Story 1)
Through discussion, we identified challenges the company was facing.
Then the group brainstormed possible causes of these challenges.
After identifying the challenges, in the training class, each trainee went to the internet with a mobile device and using an eWorkbookcurate solutions based on her or his job function in the company.
Even the frontline staff were getting into it. (optimal engagement)
Remember, most everyone is curateing on Social Media most every day (e.g. when you are in Facebook you are curating.)
In that room that day, as a team the everyone was curating tangible ideas and suggestions for possible solutions, and it was no longer management telling staff what to do. (optimal engagement)
My entrepreneur friend was quite happy with the enthusiasm and gave praise to the group (and he bought lunch for everyone) for their contributions.
As my entrepreneur friend put it, in the past new ideas and recognition were not so tangible, but now the whole team was sharing tangible, curated examples. 

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
His employees who normally hadn’t shared ideas were now searching social media and sharing ideas, and he was surprised how the frontline employees had become so enthusiastic
My theory: Frontline work can be boring (Doesn’t most every job have boring times?), but when you can add some interesting (and sometimes fun curating) times to a job, that can somewhat make up for the boring times.
The story doesn’t stop after the training ended.
Story 2)
These curated solution suggestions continued for a while, but as the excitement began to fall, my entrepreneur friend asked staff to curate suggestions to keep the ideas coming.
My entrepreneur friend thought about making this exercise mandatory and including curation on employee evaluations, but he felt that might take away the spirit from this activity. (junk engagement)
My friend created a reward program for new ideas, where each time an employee curates a new solution to improve the company, their name goes into the hat (actually, it is a real hat) and every month a winner gets a prize. 
For the past several months, his company has continued to collect plenty of curated suggestions.
The story doesn’t stop there either.
Story 3)
A few weeks ago entrepreneur friend has now offered the same prize drawing opportunity to his customers and vendors to curate improvement solutions for his company.
It seems this has started slowly with customers (in eBrochures) and vendors, but my friend has collected a few curated suggestions that have given him ideas he has implemented to improve his company.
Nowadays, everything is changing so fast  it is important to have your whole team using their mobile devices to curate tangible solutions to problems.
Wouldn’t it be great if Entrepreneurs could use eWorkbooks with their Engaging Screenagers employees to curateideas?
Don’t small businesses continually look for new and better ways to run smoothly and help customers?
Isn’t it true that on average 80% of small business go out of business within 5 years, and couldn’t this loss be reduced by enrolling staff to enthusiastically curate solutions?

Encourage curating improvement solutions, you’ll get better.

You can see examples of screen innovations for Optimal Experiences at JOIN THE CURATION: Google+.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.
All the Best, Warren
Dr Warren LINGER © 2017


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