Seeing Their Moments of Growth Feedback Engaging Screenagers

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Seeing Their Moments of Growth Feedback Engaging Screenagers

Learning is a series of “Moments of Growth.”
It’s these moments where either learners are going in the intended direction or they are going it a different direction.
In any moment, if learners are going in the right direction but don’t know it, they could change to another direction. (junk engagement)
In any moment, if If they are going the wrong direction but don’t know it, they may keep going the wrong way. (junk engagement)
I keep getting asked, “Why are monitoring and feedback so important in the classroom to improve Engaging Screenagers’ learning?”
Think about airline pilots who have many different monitoring and feedback readouts so they know where they’re going at any moment in time.
In any moment in class, it’s quite easy for students to get lost or fall behind when they have no idea where they’re going or how they doing, and this is worse when students don’t know what feedback to look for to help them gauge their own progress.
Basically eWorkbooks help the students know what they’re doing as they can see the feedback.
Donald Norman talks about this in his book the Design of Everyday Things where he talks about how poor design doesn’t give you feedback as you are trying to use the mechanism, e.g. doors, water faucets, computers, cars, etc.
As you use the product, you don’t know if you’re doing the right thing when there are few visual cues or the feedback is unclear, so at any moment you don’t know to change your actions or continue as you are.
Could you drive a car down the street in a car if you couldn’t see where you’re going?
Not without a self-driving car, but then the car would be getting feedback.
When we talk about learning don’t we want that same continual feedback moment-to-moment?
Most any moment we are learning but if we just don’t get any feedback we don’t know what we are learning.
These moments that we are growing I call Moments of Growth where we are getting better we don’t see that because we have nothing to measure because we have no feedback in the moment.

Learners can see what they’ve written down, the teachers can see what the learners have submitted, and as they are still in class when they see the feedback, they all have a better idea of what’s going on.
Let me compare this to an in-class written paper worksheet that students complete to an eWorkbook.
With written worksheet, yes, the student will hopefully get some feedback later on, and by writing down ideas or answers, students get a few moments to articulate their ideas and that’s great.
When will students get feedback to know if they understand?
If students are working in groups or talking to neighbors they may get a few moments of quick feedback, but the quality of neighbor feedback can sometimes be quite low because the neighbour is not an expert like a teacher.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
Compare this to the experience of using an eWorkbook.
Instead of waiting for the teacher to finish the student is moment-to-moment actively answering questions and interacting with the content right along as the teacher is introducing and explaining. (optimal engagement)
When I was in high (secondary) school I tutored younger students and that it’s a back-and-forth process as the feedback is in the moment, or one of my favorite techniques was to let students go for a few moments to build the learner’s initiative and independence muscles. (optimal engagement)
A huge benefit of eWorkbook is that they can help learners follow along moment-to-moment with the teacher, and teachers can show the class other students’ work which open up much more creativity by showing several alternative examples of correct answers. (optimal engagement)

DrWarren Engaging Screenagers problem solving discussion
DrWarren Engaging Screenagers problem solving discussion

This enables the teacher to show 2, 3, or 4 alternative examples of quality work instead of just right or wrong answers, as students can share, in the moment, many different possibilities based on their different interests. (optimal engagement)
When I say based on different interests, in the previous blog I wrote about mass customising by asking questions and having students curate examples with their mobile devices (like a museum curator would find artwork for the museum.) (optimal engagement)
As the students curate examples, videos, and images, the students are interacting with the content and synthesizing their interests, in the moment, with that learning content. (optimal engagement)
Wouldn’t it be great if the Engaging Screenagers could interact with the teacher as well as creatively synthesize their interests with the learning content?
Can’t you see how much more useful this would be if learners were interacting with teachers with eWorkbooks for more active and creative learning?
In the long run, with the world changing as fast as it is, we can’t afford to keep making our students learn the old one way, “I teach you listen” and hopefully the learning style fits?

Keep learners seeing Moments of Growth for better learning.

You can see examples of screen innovations for Optimal Experiences at JOIN THE CURATION: Google+.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.
All the Best, Warren
Dr Warren LINGER © 2017


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