
Showing posts from 2018

6 Media you need to become an influencer

Influencer@engaging content, Warren LINGER, Community is a never-ending Gary Vee Image Facebook #makepositivitylouder, #mindsetiseverything, #microinfluencer, A while back my client Jimmy, asked me how to improve his profiles on social media. Jimmy said he wanted to improve his profiles to become an influencer or a person of interest. This is an important point because many business owners and executives want to be seen as influencers. Here in China influencers are called KOL’s or Key Opinion Leaders. How to become an influencer? Although there are many like Jimmy, only a few actually get help to build their influence. Often we see influencers online who seem to build a massive following overnight. What we don’t see is the 10-12 years of work trying, testing, and getting feedback from their followers. Influencers are rarely successful at first, but they have persistence and openness to learn. Why become an influencer? There are a few primary reasons or benefit outco...

2 Ways you need to compare teachers and influencers–Content Marketing

At that conference, in my talk I mentioned how I compare teachers and influencers. Recently, I had the honor of speaking at the United Nations, UNESCO MOST Conference. At that conference, in my talk I mentioned how I compare teachers and influencers. Since the conference the one topic I’ve had the most questions since the conference is on micro-influencers. I thought that is interesting as being in academic fraternity we are naturally micro influencers. To explain to you I wanted to compare teachers and influencers. So here is my look at teachers and micro influencers as they both screen, enrol, and keep followers loyal. The good teacher view of screening, enrolling, and keeping followers loyal. The good teacher: finds a topic she or he enjoys and continues to study said topic for years until qualified to teach the topic. has her or his own personal passion focus on the topic and gets a job teaching that topic. invites students into a classroom (or training ro...

5 Ways you need to see customers are students–Content Marketing

What are the 5 ways you need to see customers are students in Content Marketing? Remember my mentoring client Joanie from a previous blog? Later Joanie asked me, “It just seems like with content marketing we see customers are students. So, to be a great content marketer do we need to be a great teacher?” Yes, and think about your favorite teachers and how they impacted your life. I’m sure you are like me and there are times when you are on your way to work or the store and you see content that just takes your breath away. I am a teacher, and as a teacher my mission is to help others like the great teachers in my life have helped me. Every day when I walk into a classroom or a client’s office, I pray that I can support them like I was supported by my teachers. What is your job if you are a teacher (an influencer) when you see customers are students? Teach your students. Tell them stories. Show them pictures. Give them videos. Share your emotions. Can you build you...

9 New ways you need to see customers like students-Content Marketing

9 New ways you need to see customers like students-Content Marketing The other day my client Joanie and I were working on her influencer impact and I asked her what she sold. She told me and then I asked her what outcome she  really  sold. Next, I asked Joanie if she remembered a great teacher, and didn’t that teacher see more in her? I asked Joanie to see customers like students as if we was a great teacher. Think of customers as great teachers thinks of their students. Great teachers focus on building their students and helping their students grow beyond their current thinking, state, and/or performance. Isn’t that what the great teachers have done for you in your life? As I think about it my most impactful teachers have done that for me. I’m not just talking about teachers in school. I can, and I’m sure you could as well, think of great managers or trainers who saw more in you and pushed you to be and do more. How can you think of your customers as if you we...

7 Questions you need to create your brand name – Content Marketing

What is in a name? How does one choose a name to build influence? These are questions my client Mark, asked me the other day. Mark is trying to rebuild his brand image to ensure people remember him. So, he was somewhat frustrated not knowing the process and asked me to help him. Can you build influence like this to make people curious? It’s my job to take the overwhelm out of business branding, online marketing, and social media. I break it down to help so you can build your influence with your customers. In my professional practice, therefore I work with my clients to follow these questions to create their brand names. What is the purpose your name will fill? (attract, excite, interest, motivate, comfort) How will your new brand name align with current product or service names? What type of name will support your business goals? (founder’s name, description, made-up) Would your new name be too similar to any other current brand name? Could your name be confusing, m...