4 Steps you need to aligned content strategy

Aligned content strategy. You should post 100 times per day. Gary Vaynerchuk

3 min read @ aligned content strategy

Step 1) Create your aligned content strategy

Now you know how to curate content across groups and across content types. It’s time to create your annual content strategy.

What’s a content strategy? Imagine your strategy is your road map for content for the coming year.

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For almost 5 years, I worked at a newspaper in Colorado Springs. When holidays came, our ad revenue exploded because marketers knew customers buy more around holidays.

This may or may not align with your personal brand. However, the idea is to align with your audiences’ behavior patterns.

Patterns include holidays but remember “back to school” and “New Years” goals are important decision times too.

Step 2) Aligned content strategy planning

What is your strategy? What times of year are important to you and your target audience? Also, is your target market in the West or global?

If you target is global, remember the important holidays like Chinese / Lunar New Year. Also, remember the Ramadan season in Muslim cultures.

First here are a few examples in the USA where I’m from. There are different behaviors associated with
-  Back to school
-  Christmas and other holidays
-  New Years

 Also, here in Hong Kong where I live now. There are different behaviors associated with
-  Back to school
-  Lunar / Chinese New Years
-  Local traditions and other holidays

What is important for your audience when you post online content?

The Builder has helped you curate brand aligned people, brands, characters, and animals. Also, you learned types of content to curate like stories, quotes, images, and videos.

Now you know brand aligned content strategy. So build your strategy based on your brand and your audience.

Also, because you already have examples from previous posts, this process will be straightforward. 

Step 3) Curating content practice for volume posting

After the previous post you will have curated several content combination ideas. This should get you started for the next 6-12 weeks depending on your posting schedule.

Your value will come from regularly posting your content. As Gary Vaynerchuk says, we all should be posting 100 times a day.

You should post 100 times per day. Gary Vaynerchuk18 MOMENTS TO EXPLAIN WHY YOU SHOULD POST 100X PER DAY
Yes, 100 posts every day is a lot. However, you need to be posting more than 10 times a day.

For example, I post about 50 times a day on average, but I don't spend that much time doing it. I use Buffer.com to schedule my Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter posts.

First, I search for quote images aligned to my brand. Then I right click on my mouse. Next I click "Buffer this image." Also I write a quick note. Finally I schedule my posts.

Step 4) Aligned content strategy “mix and match”

Most never learn this process to mix and match content with brand personality.

Now you have a way you can mix and match content. So you can curate brand personality aligned stories, quotes, photos, and video about with aligned people, brands, characters, and animals.

Here are some examples you could mix and match to post and share across platforms.

Example: Fine and and post a Socrates’ picture, Rolls Royce story, Yoda quote, and an eagle video.
Quick quiz: Which of the 4 quadrants align with the above examples?

This process reduces the time you need for content because you will know what type of content and who will be in the content.

Align person, brand, character, and animal for content

If you missed the previous post, here are the association groups as a reminder for you. 
First, find a person who aligns with my brand personality quadrant.
Next, curate a brand that aligns with my brand personality quadrant.
Also, find a character that aligns with your brand personality quadrant.
Finally, curate an animal that aligns with your brand personality quadrant.

Remember to align these items with your brand personality quadrant.

Curate aligned content stories, quotes, images, and videos.

Also, if you missed the previous post, here are the content types to remind you.
First, you will find a story for one of your secondary associations.
Next, you will find a quote from another (different) secondary association..
After that, you will find an image from an association different from the above 2.
Last, you will find a video from an association different from the above 3.

Please let me know if this article on aligned content strategy was helpful to you.

Also, next time, you will  "focus on your medium" to connect with your ideal audience.
See you next time.

Did you build your personal influential brand personality yet? So, are you still struggling to build your personal influential brand personality? Please email me at drwarren@cict.co.

Click here to get the 12-Point Checklist.

Also, please check my site dedicated to helping others build online influence.

Build your influence at https://influenceyoursuccess.com



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