8 Steps you need to share success w/o bragging

Share success w/o bragging. One thing that happens is success compounds on itself. Gary Vaynerchuk

5 min read @ share success w/o bragging

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How I learned to share success w/o bragging

As a youngster in school, I remember my teacher told the hare and the tortoise story. The lesson of the story was, "It was important to be humble."

When I first took digital marketing courses, I learned I was to share my successes. And even though I did what I learned, what I shared felt uncomfortable and even yucky.

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This is like most things in life. It wasn’t what successes I was sharing, it was HOW I was sharing my successes.

This lead me down a long and winding path of study on how to share success without bragging. So I looked at those who were sharing successes well and how they shared. Also I looked at those who didn’t share successes well and what they did.

Growing up in school with ADD, I was quite easily distracted in my classes. So I developed ways to find patterns to help me focus on learning the material.

I’ve been studying patterns that share success in modest ways for almost 3 years now. So my skill of finding patterns helped me develop this list of some ways to share successes.

As we are going up, we rarely learn how to share success without bragging.

Step 1) Audacious bragging is not sharing success

Now days, I see audacious, bragging on the internet at mass. How do you feel when you see people share bragging success statements?

The point of sharing successes is to build trust and authenticity, but these do the opposite.

But we need to tell others about our successes, don’t we? What can we do?

As a result, here are ways to share your successes and help you build trust and authenticity.

Step 2) Process versus accomplishments

Often when people talk about their successes they look at their accomplishments. Accomplishments are part of success but there are other things that show success.

When you tell somebody you don’t need to be seen as bragging. So when you share the process that you’ve used with people and it’s supportive.

What is the process that you’ve used with other people. How are you supported or worked with energy with other people.

Step 3) Helping others as sharing successes

And so when you look at the processes used to help other people. If you were down with us what have you done with other people how have you worked with other people that has been successful.

The key is to focus on the learning and what I learned and how I can help listener.

Also, Dale Carnegie talks about the magic formula. Dale starts with the incident or that happened, what I learned, and then actions, and benefits for the listener.

What does that mean? Well instead of just saying, "I succeeded in...", say, "I did this," or "this is what I learned."

One thing that happens is success compounds on itself. Gary Vaynerchuk


Step 4) Have others share your successes

Often we see on websites and on sales pages how people have given recommendations. See companies hire athletes to endorse endorse their products.

We see athletes and other famous people being paid for endorsing brands all the time. At times I wonder if the endorser has even tried the product or service.

It’s okay to have someone else say you are the #1 in the world. You can ask them to share details about your highly specific niche and doing it your way.

It’s important or it’s a great tactic to have other people tell about your successes.

On sales or enrollment cites we frequently see several comments, referrals, or endorsements to build trust. Remember to ask friends and clients to give you their opinions.

Don’t don’t over do this. This technique can go from trustworthy to trustless quite quickly.

Step 5) Tangible versus intangible ways to share success w/o bragging

And there’s a cat a question I will tangible versus intangible so if you are just focusing on the tangible being materialistic.

Here is an example. "I have loved the 28 years I have worked in HR. During that time I learned so much about training. So I feel humbled as I put all that learning to use. In fact, that learning helped me win the national trainer award."

In your sharing include mention of these:
  • Gratitude
  • Humility
  • Respect
  • Appreciation
  • Empathy
  • Persistence
  • Curiosity

Step 6) Contextual successes

Of all the success sharing tools, contextual success tends to be the most difficult to understand. So I describe this in conferences as focusing on the context more than your success.

No one is great at everything. In fact, most everyone is good at doing only a few things.

Therefore we all have things were great at doing.  Also, we all have things that we suck at doing.

That means you can share contextual successes based on skills you have developed for specific situations.

To share your contextual success talk about how you saw the context first. So share how you felt you performed.

When you’ve done something in your own way that’s your success. It’s Jerry Garcia from The Grateful Dead had a great saying. “It’s not good enough to be the best at what you do. You need to be the only one who does what you do.”

What if you’re only good at one thing specific current context? Therefore make the context important as share your success.

Step 7) “I’m good” vs. (anything else) framework

Beginning a statement with most any form of, “I’m good at…” isn’t generally a trust builder. I say “generally” because it may build trust if you are known as the world’s best.

Therefore here are some example patterns that can replace, “I’m good at…”

So it seems __________ (event) went well.
I like the results of __________.
I like to do __________.
Jenny said she liked the way I __________.
Learned __________ so it helped me do __________.
I Struggled with __________ until I learned to __________.
I was curious about __________ so I learned to improve my skills at __________.

As you look around you will see you can use these examples in various combinations. So feel free to mix and match on your own.

Step 8) Question guide to share success w/o bragging

2.1. First, what is the process you have used to be successful with your passion/clients/expertise?
HINT: Finish this statement: “After struggling with __________ for a while, I learned how to…”
Note: You will use/expand this in your Experience/Bio Builder later.

2.2. Next, how have your followers/clients benefited from being with you?
HINT: Finish this statement: "I found the process that helps my clients the most has been when I..."

2.3. Also, what do you do differently from others?
HINT: Finish this statement: "I realized I am different from others because I..."

In the next few posts we will explore your brand origin story in more detail. So we want to help you craft your own struggles in your origin story.

See you next time. 

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Did you craft your personal brand origin story yet? So, are you still struggling to craft your personal brand origin story ? Please email me at drwarren@cict.co.

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Also, please check my site dedicated to helping others build online influence.

Build your influence at https://influenceyoursuccess.com


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