4 Steps you need to craft brand origin story

Craft your brand origin story. Dig into my origin story-Gary Vaynerchuk
3 min read @ craft brand origin story

Craft your authentic Personal Brand Origin Story 

Your authentic Brand Origin Story attracts others to your influential personal brand.

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Your authentic Brand Origin Story attracts others 

First off, real people have struggles and pains. So by showing others how you have authentically overcome them attracts others.

Therefore you inspire others by showing how you overcame the obstacles and still succeeded. Also your story builds context of your strengths so people see for your credibility.

Dig into my “origin” story, and I share a few tidbits-Gary VaynerchukQUESTIONS, IDEAS, AND BUSINESS PLANS AT STARTUP GRIND NY [1HR Q&A]

Main components of a Brand Origin Story

  • First struggles: Obstacles / pains that would have stopped others.
  • Next successes: Overcoming obstacles and going on to succeed.
  • Then origin story: How it all (passion / small business) began.
  • Also purpose: Your reason for being and helping others overcome pain.
  • Then traditions/milestones: The accomplishments you can celebrate.
  • Finally language: Your shared terms and other words.
Also, remember to keep it simple and don't overthink this step.
Finally your story is your point of view or 'come from' for all of your content online and offline.

How I lead seminars through this process

In seminars when I ask participants, "How did it all begin?" they have no idea how to answer. So I walk them through the following steps to help them identify their struggles and successes. Then they can craft their own stories.

The most compelling stories have struggles and successes. So look at it this way, businesses that found and overcame problems, are the most successful.

So what pains have you experienced? Similarly, you may have also observed a pain point of someone who you know quite well.

Finally wouldn't others who have experienced those same pains want support to get past them?

In fact, in most every piece of content, you will mention bits of your story. 

Complete these 4 steps to articulate your Brand Origin Story.

Step 1) What are your struggles?
Step 2) What are your successes?
Step 3) Your • Origin story: How it all began. What are your unique brand stories?
Step 4) Your • Purpose • Traditions/Milestones • Language

In the next few posts we will explore these in more detail to help you craft your own origin story.

See you next time.

Did you craft your personal brand origin story yet? So, are you still struggling to craft your personal brand origin story ? Please email me at drwarren@cict.co.

Click here to get the 12-Point Checklist.

Also, please check my site dedicated to helping others build online influence.

Build your influence at https://influenceyoursuccess.com


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