Part-10 Capture Thinking to Improve Engaging Screenagers
Part-10 Capture Thinking to Improve Engaging Screenagers Look back at the last training course you took and ask yourself where did the thinking process that brought you all of those new ideas go? When you went through those training exercises you probably had a list of learning points or goals for the future, but the actual thinking process is gone. Wouldn’t it be great to capture the steps of new thinking as you learn the new thinking? Often I see in training some great decision making some new ways of thinking but after their training sessions over much of the process it’s gone.( junk engagement ) Yet it’s the process of thinking and going through the thinking, problem-solving, etc. can be so valuable. What if you could capture that process ? We are able to capture that thinking process in our training . We use eWorkbooks that engage participants to answer open ended questions .( optimal engagement ) ...