3 Habits to Break-out and Be Happier Engaging Screenagers
3 Habits to Break-out and Be Happier Engaging Screenagers
I wrote about how I thought I was so great at reading, but after over a year of reading 400+ minutes every week, I was shocked at how blind I had been about my own abilities.
I just read an article about the 5-hour rule where some great leaders practice the following 3 habits for every day for 5-hours.
1) Read
2) Reflect
3) Experiment
So, as Engaging Screenagers (aren’t we all) you’re asking, “What does this have to do with me?”
When we are working all day every day we don’t have time for 5-hours of reading, etc.
Yet, those who find the time to implement their own 5-hour rule will change the world.
When I entered graduate school, I was suddenly able to focus well for the first time in my life.
I’ve said before the success was due to my interest in learning about Engaging Screenagers, but that wasn’t the only thing.

The other major factor was being able to read very quickly for long periods of time.
When I was a slow reader, I would literally bore myself to distraction, but when I could read quickly I could engage for much longer periods of time.
Imagine, in graduate school, for the first time in my life, I had the interest, and the skills, and the time to implement my own 5-hour rule.
Habit 1) Read
In addition to assigned readings, I was finding and reading research studies on engaging teaching and learning whenever I could.
In his book Strengths Finder 2.0, talks about the strength of input where an individual craves new information, and that’s what I was becoming.
Habit 2) Reflect
Also, due to the unstructured framework of graduate school, there was much more time to reflect on my interest of Engaging Screenagers.
Also, I remember several times where my fellow graduate students and I would just sit around and chat, discuss, and argue about engaging communication.
In Blink, Malcolm Gladwell talks about how we make instant evaluations in our thinking, but when we reflect we can get improve our understanding and insight.
Habit 3) Experiment
It was the greatest opportunity for me as I had taken what I learned instructing for Dale Carnegie, and then was combining it with what I was learning, reading, and reflecting in my graduate studies.
At that time I was teaching 2 classes that met 3 hours per week, and every day I walked into class I experimented what I had learned to see how my learning fit my own style of Engaging my students.
Only quite rarely I flopped, but overall the students gave great feedback.
A big problem in the world nowadays is we don’t allow experimentation in education or the workplace.
When I started having my students use their mobile devices to explore, interact, collaborate, and experiment while they were in the university classroom, the students didn’t respond well at all.
Why? Because before they had been just sitting in classrooms and listening (junk engagement) to teachers and lecturers, but now they were expected to engage and take risks to learn (optimal engagement.)
That great thing is the curiosity of human nature began to kick-in and after a few weeks they were quite unhappy when I told them not to use their devices for learning in class.
In fact, after about 6-8 weeks of class, my students were asking me to teach their other lecturers how to use mobile devices in class.
Jumping back to the business word, how often do you hear someone say, “We do it right the first time.”?
That leaves no room for experimentation.
Doesn’t that comment tell you “it” will be just like they do for everyone else, even though your situation is quite unique to you?
We often stop ourselves from making changes in our own lives because we don’t want to take risks.
The sad thing is that most of us would be much better off and would be so much more happy and fulfilled if we made even one or two changes.
If you could make one change what passion would venture to explore to make your life more happy and fulfilled?
Don’t all 3 of these 5-hour rule habits point to, “take a risK?”
Risk, develop passion, to build happiness and fulfillment.
Remember, come join tomorrow to see more Improving Your Engagement with Screenagers and others inspirational experiences and ideas for Optimal Engagement in the ScreenAge.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.
All the Best, Warren
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Dr Warren LINGER © 2017
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