Part-8 Open Questions Teach Engaging Screenagers to Synthesize
Part-8 Open Questions Teach Engaging Screenagers to Synthesize
Can you imagine you are teaching or training and everyone in the room is following along and answering their questions in their eWorkbook?
Back in the day when I was a professional seminar leader we used to give everyone in the audience a workbook.
The workbook helped to make sure everyone was engaged together.
By together, I mean most everyone would follow along and stay on the same page.
Also the workbook allowed participants to synthesise the information that was relevant to each individual.
The problem was that other than observation, we had little understanding of which questions were most useful or important.
Even with this, workbooks are far more engaging than just being given a hard copy of the slide deck. (junk engagement)
Using open ended questions on Google Forms as eWorkbooks allows a great deal of flexibility in your students’ learning.
By asking open ended questions on Google forms as eWorkbooks learners and teachers derived great value. (optimal engagement)
Value for students:
- engaged in the learning (more than using slides)
- practice writing or crafting ideas
- articulate immediately to clarify their own understanding after hearing the ideas
- explain (like they would in group learning) to themselves then to the Google Form
- synthesize the learning content to fit their interests
- see what’s coming out of their own minds
- reflect on the learning as they’re learning
- right away they know if they understand
- use the tools they are comfortable using
- keep a record of their own growth and development
Value for teachers:
- see how their students understand the material while they are there in the classroom
- understand how their students are synthesising the information into their own interests
- know how (and how well) the learners are using the information
- keep the class engaged together
- follow along the same questions together
- observe growth and development of skills
- provide continual practice in writing ideas
- show exemplar answers
- talk Individually with those who are not quite on track
- keep a record of learners’ growth and development
- generate massive examples (for future classes) as learners synthesize learning material into their own interests (or dream job)
- give learners tools they like working with
- support deeper learning as learners synthesize content into their own interests
- give them more ownership over their learning
- get to know the students much better than before
Dale Carnegie talks about the importance of getting to know someone before getting them to help you.
How to Win Friends & Influence People
As you can see, there is a great deal of value from using Google Forms as eWorkbooks, but it isn’t all just fun and games.
It will take the learners about 2 weeks to get comfortable with the new eWorkbook learning format, and after that it becomes a habit.

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
When you use eWorkbooks you will be more involved with the questions and learners as you will find the questions will be updated quite frequently.

Actually, that may not be all bad, as you will be more involved with the learning process.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could get our Engaging Screenagers more passionate about learning?
Don’t teachers most everywhere want their learners to be more engaged and passionate about learning?
Woan’t the students fall behind in their learning if their teachers are not using these tools and other teachers are using them?
Engage with open ended questions to let learning thrive.
Remember, come join tomorrow to see more Improving Your Engagement with Screenagers and others inspirational experiences and ideas for Optimal Engagement in the ScreenAge.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.
All the Best, Warren
Dr Warren LINGER © 2017
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