Part-7 Auto-Graded Feedback=2X Learning Engaging Screenagers
Part-7 Auto-Graded Feedback=2X Learning Engaging Screenagers
Did you ever have that time when you wanted to know how you doing we were learning something new?
When you learning something new you want to know how you doing but sometimes the teacher can be intimidating when she or he is looking over your shoulder.
Don’t most people want to know how they are doing, but don’t want someone looking over their shoulder?
Wouldn’t it be great if we could give him their feedback as they are learning to let you know how they’re doing?
By using Google Forms as eWorkbooks (Btw, there are several other apps out there that support this but they are not as easy to use.) you basically create interactive learner centered classroom environments.
You can be a much more interactive teacher and give feedback to students immediately.
This works so well because it ‘makes the challenge easier to overcome’ as Dale Carnegie says, when feedback is more immediate.
When ATM’s first came out, there was an outcry of “no more personalized service,” and now how many of you like to go into a bank? (junk engagement)
When I go into a bank I’m not happy because have to wait in line to talk to a person.
After a few weeks of using Google Forms in eWorkbooks, students respond the same way.
Students like the Google Forms automatic graded feedback to know if they are on task, and then most of the time they only ask for clarification when they missed something and don’t understand why.
In Google Forms you can set questions for automatic grading as the Form is submitted, so the students can instantly get a message in their inbox with their submissions, their score, and the correct answer if you want.
Sometimes I give the correct answer and sometimes I have the students go find a classmate with the correct answer and ask why they found the answer was correct.
Google automatically generates learning analytics with charts with bright colors to help everyone see and understand more easily. (optimal engagement)
This feedback is so important to as Stephen Covey says make a behavior a habit.
Benefits of automatically graded questions for both the students and teachers.
- get to see their score immediately after they submit.
- check marks and compare with neighbors to discuss and understand the ideas more deeply.
- see the learning analytics with graphs for visual clarity.
- have a soft copy of work, notes, and grades in their mobile device for easy review.
- get to see if students understand (if most all students are missing it, I know I’ve some more teaching to do.
- can compare classes to adjust teaching styles, content, or exercises.
- show the learning analytics to the class for reinforced learning.
- may want to approach those who are lagging to take corrective action right away.
- gather massive data for what we call Scholarship Of Teaching and Learning to improve the classroom experiences for the learners.
Many of you are saying this doesn’t apply to me because I am not a teacher, lecturer, professor, trainer, coach, etc.
Your challenge will be to translate this to you your own situation.
I have coached sales managers in using Google Forms so sales reps can record their mental states, awareness, questions, etc. directly after a sale.
I have worked with kindergarten teachers to create reading logs with Google Forms so parents can help their kids track reading.
Basically anything you want to get better at doing, from exercise to weight control, you can create a Google Form to give you instant feedback as you monitor with your own data.
Again, just a few quick moments of feedback can bring a great deal of clarity and peace to any development process.
Monitor with data, it’s a highly effective way to improve.
Remember, come join tomorrow to see more Improving Your Engagement with Screenagers and others inspirational experiences and ideas for Optimal Engagement in the ScreenAge.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.
All the Best, Warren
Dr Warren LINGER © 2017
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