4 Reasons Engaging Screenagers Control Your Career?
4 Reasons Engaging Screenagers Control Your Career?
I got 2 emails about that blog and 1 agreed and 1 disagreed.
The agree liked the idea of giving a little autonomy and let Screenagers show what they like.
The disagree felt screenagers were getting to be too demanding.
I can see both points.
My point is: If we don’t start watching Engaging Screenagers very closely we will miss our future because they are going to change it.
As Spencer Johnson wrote about Cheese, it’s important to pay attention to what’s happening in the world.
For years, this generation has engaged content based on their own interests which has then generated new content which has been pushed to them based on their engagement behavior with their devices and this cycle repeats.
1st Reason: Access
Back in high school, I worked in a newspaper and the newspaper came out 2 times a day, and when you could get your hands on a copy that’s when you could read it.
Now, Engaging Screenagers are continually checking their screens all day long.
2nd Reason: Choice
In the newspaper you were able to chose what you wanted to read based on what they deemed important enough to get print space.
If you didn’t like the content you could stop reading or read something you didn’t like (junk engagement.)
Engaging Screenagers can open their devices and they have massive topics to choose from to engage (optimal engagement.)
Because sharing is so prevalent, good, important, exciting, etc. ideas can go viral within micro (or macro) influencer groups.
3rd Reason: Interests
In the newspaper you could find different sections based on interests, but the content was quite limited.
Now Engaging Screenagers open open their devices and look for content based on their specific micro interests.
Once they have shown interest one type of content, they will get more similar content pushed at them.
4th Reason: Age
Back in the day, my newspaper focused mostly on adult interests.
Because of their young age, Engaging Screenagers have less of a vested interest in the past so they’re more likely to try new ways of doing things.
Beginning when they were young, Engaging Screenagers have had control over what they were curious to engage.
Watching Engaging Screenagers in my classrooms, I could see they were curious and were learning to satisfy their curiosities instantly with their devices.
Based on seeing that behavior, I started asking them to go find their own examples of our class learning topics based on their own interests.

They loved finding and applying their interests to the classroom learning content in an authentic way, and I loved learning about Engaging Screenagers’ behaviors.

They loved finding and applying their interests to the classroom learning content in an authentic way, and I loved learning about Engaging Screenagers’ behaviors.

That system became the foundation of all my training courses so when you are in my online or face to face courses, you will be asked to focus on your own interests.


Beginning when they were young, they had control over what they were curious to engage.
These kids will tell us more about the future than any other group.
I am trying to stay away from demographics because this is a set of behaviors that provide this
I’m not talking about Generations, X, Y, Z, millennials, etc. behavior groupings because I am no expert on those groups.
I’m talking about Engaging Screenagers with screens in their hands making their own learning decisions to satisfy their own curiosities.
I truly believe human beings are naturally curious and Engaging Screenagers have the tools to go find information in which they are interested.
As Malcolm Gladwell mentions in his book Blink, it is important for us to understand how those instant decisions influence our world.
Because Engaging Screenagers have grown up with so much control, they are already demanding and leading changes in our societies and economies, and as a result my career and your career will change too.
Closely observe Engaging Screenagers behaviors to learn more.
Remember, come join tomorrow to see more Improving Your Engagement with Screenagers and others inspirational experiences and ideas for Optimal Engagement in the ScreenAge.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.
All the Best, Warren
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