3 Ways you need to monetize your passion

Monetize your passion. Eliminate all excuses. image-garyvee.com
Monetize your passion. Eliminate all excuses. Image-garyvee.com

Monetize your passion is your 10th of 12 points in the checklist to build your online influence. Remember, follow these points so you won't need to hire me to coach you through the process.

3 Ways you need to monetize your passion 

A few months ago I mentioned “monetizing” in my Advance Certification in Life Coaching Course. Suddenly, I saw a blank look from 95% of them. They asked, “What is monetizing?”

In the online world when we talk about "monetizing" we mean making money.

For beginners, you can monetize your influence in 3 ways.
  1. Source global clients for your own product or service 
  2. Partner with complementary products and services 
  3. Endorse products, services and events that align with your brand

1. Source global clients to monetize your passion

Having a loyal following allows you to promote your product or service to your global audience. This is key as your market is no longer in your local area.

Smurf it up globally. Say you love to make collectable clothes for Smurfs. You can connect with buyers and sell your Smurf clothes around the world.


I want to eliminate every excuse people have for not getting started. Gary Vaynerchuk

First, you sent up an eBay account or Shopify store. Then, you start selling.

2. Partner with complementary products and services 

One easy way for YouTubers to get started is to let YouTube post ads. When you have enough subscribers and views they post ads and you get paid.

As an influencer you can partner with complementary products and services. It is important to align your brand values with the partners you choose. For example, Smurf clothes will have different values from League of Legends players.

You could be invited to have a booth at a Christmas toy store. There you could customize your Smurf collectable clothes for customers.

When you build your Smurf brand you could get paid to Smurf at Comic Con. They need speakers and folks to give autographs. Why not monetize your passion?

Imagine the next Smurf movie is coming out soon. The movie promoters have part of their budget for influencer marketing. You suddenly get paid to Smurf an announcement in your blog

By endorsing other products, services, and events you can create mutual value for all. Often these campaigns generate more high visibility for you and your brand.

Also, partnering doesn’t have to be global. For example, a small Indian take-away fast-food shop owner endorses his seasonings supplier on Facebook.

Then, that seasoning supplier endorses the Indian take-away shop owner too. So they both win.

3. Endorse products, services and events to monetize your passion

This influencer marketing creates a huge snowball effect. Influencers share new products and services. Then the sharing is returned, creating a huge advantage for all.

When Pepsi wants Smurf custom clothing for an ad campaign they call you. Also, when your local pizza restaurant is running a Smurf promotion, they call you.

When your local photography studio needs Smurf clothes as props they call you.

Click here to get the 12-Point Checklist.
Also, please check my site dedicated to helping others build online influence.
Build your influence at https://influenceyoursuccess.com


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