4 Steps you need to build your niche community

Build any community. Gary Vaynerchuk image-indiehustle.com DailyVee
Build any community. Gary Vaynerchuk image-indiehustle.com DailyVee
If you want to ‘build your niche online community?’ Great, keep reading. If not, don’t waste your time. "Build your niche community" is influence checklist point-5.
So, "Build your niche community" is your 5th point in the checklist to build your online influence. Remember, follow these points so you won't need to hire me to coach you through the process.

4 Steps you need to build your niche community

As you look around at blogs on building a community, what do you see. You will see a majority of them focus on attracting and building rapport with members.
In the end it’s about building a community. But first you need a plan, next you need to build rapport, then you build community.
Back in school, I wanted to be a great teacher. Well actually I wanted to be a great speaker but practiced by teaching.
I was possessed with hearing and watching teachers communicate. So I passionately listened and watched what great speakers said and did to connect with listeners.

1. Watch and learn communication patterns

We all have patterns of communication, and great teachers are no different. Also, great speakers used their own signature patterns and common patterns to attract followers and build rapport. 
But alas, we are moving away from face-to-face as communication is going digital. I see though, those who are doing well online are connecting in similar ways.
I noticed there are patterns that attract some people but don’t work with others. You know what it feels like when you see an email from a good friend. It feels good. 
What is friendship? Isn’t it built from common aims and mutual interests? Aren’t communities just friendships on steroids?
Aren’t we all thirsty for community? Now, though, our communities are moving online more and more.
I know I will get criticised when I say this next statement. You need to attract and build rapport at all times with new and current members. As there is so much competition, if you’re not attracting and building you’re falling behind.

2. Plan your community attraction campaign

Also, as you create your attraction campaign make sure it's well defined to attract members who will become loyal.
The best advice I found was, “Share what you like.” 
Most influencers want to attract everyone. But, don’t do that!
You can plan to attract only those who are interested in your niche passion. As a result, focus on attracting those who share your brand content and values.
Using your well-defined brand, attract those who will members and be loyal to your community. Your well-defined brand will guide content to create, images curate, and stories to tell to attract members.

3. Build rapport to build loyal community members 

Next, after you’ve attracted members keep them loyal by building rapport with them.
Building rapport is an art not a science. As you introduce new and different ideas align them with your brand and your members’ expectations. 
You can build rapport as you produce content with 3 uses:
  1. Utility - content for learning or solving problems
  2. Entertainment - content for fun or escapism  
  3. Mixed (U+E) - origin story or documentation

As you begin to build rapport with your members, you need to create an email list. Your email list enables you to connect directly with your community. 
There is an old saying, “People who are like each other, like each other.”

4. Build niche your community, share your passion

Finally, like little tigers, as humans we crave community. In our digital world of busyness, we don’t seem to have any time to connect. 
We want community to share and talk about what we like. Thanks to the long tail of the internet, we find communities for micro niche passions.
Build your community, they want you to.
When you build your community remember to:
  1. Include everyone who shares your niche passion
  2. Be realistic as not everyone is happy all the time
  3. Create a safe space for members to support one another

Also, please check my site dedicated to helping others build online influence.

Build your influence at https://influenceyoursuccess.com


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