7 Tips you need to build your compelling profile

Build your compelling profile-Be consistent image: DaraghWalsh.com
Build your compelling profile-Be consistent image: DaraghWalsh.com

7 Tips you need to build your compelling profile

Build your compelling profile is your 3nd point in the checklist to build online influence. Remember, follow these points so you won't need to hire me to coach you through the process.

Why do you need to build your compelling profile?
Your profile is what people see to get to know you. So, it’s vital they are attracted to follow you.

In 2019 people fly through their feeds at lightning speed. That means you have less than 8/10’s of 1 second to catch someone’s attention.

If you’re content is compelling enough you may get them to click through to your profile. Then, you have about 2 seconds to connect with them.

That means you need to make sure that you provide value in 2 seconds. You had better provide enough value so they want to keep paying attention with their time.

Each social media has a different mood and group of people who will follow. So, it’s important to know on which media your audience and followers spend their time.

Why do you need to be consistent across different media?

Even though you will begin online by focusing on one medium, people will see you on other media. So that you can build trust it's important to show consistent images, descriptions, content. Of course you will adapt to the needs of the medium and audience for each, though.

The key is you need to create your profile in line with your brand personality. This means you must be consistent across your brand values, brand personality, and medium. 

Here are some examples of differences among media:
  • In LinkedIn you will include more work related information like Bio, education, and skills. 
  • Your Instagram profile will have a short intro that is more delightful, actionable, and informative intro.  
  • In Facebook you will want to focus on being friendly and open in relation to your passion niche.

Use the same image to be consistent across all media. Daragh Walsh

Remember, each medium has different profile contents. But, make your profile as consistent as possible across all media. For example, if possible, use the same picture across media.

7 Tips you need to build your compelling profile

So, to make sure your brand identity is consistent everywhere here are the items you need (in most media):
  1. Title: include a benefit but no fluff words.
  2. Picture: make your face clear with no distractions.
  3. Summary: share your strengths in action-benefit format.  
  4. Banner image: be likable and build your brand values trust. 
  5. Bio / education / skills: share your passion relevant to the medium.
  6. Contact / URL / etc.: be appropriate to the medium and your needs.
  7. Content theme: align consistently with your brand values.

Please check my site dedicated to helping others build online influence.

Build your influence at https://influenceyoursuccess.com


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