
Showing posts from January, 2018

Is procrastination killing your dreams? (Know this, do this) Life Coach

Is procrastination killing your dreams? (Know this, do this) Life Coach Procrastinating? Doubting ourselves? It is all a part of this glorious game of life. As a Life Coach I see it can be all too easy to take successful people of their craft, and hold them up high on a sparkly, bedazzled pedestal. People like actors, star athletes, millionaires and billionaires, famous musicians and so forth. We may begin to think they have superpowers, or luck that WE don’t possess. Nor ever will. Expressing emotions promotes good physical and mental health. When we don’t permit ourselves we limit our own optimal, engaged lifestyle. High-achievers learn express emotions in healthy ways that support their successful lifestyles. Expressing Appropriate Emotions is Life Skill #3 according to World Life Skills Expert, Jill Raiguel. Hi, Dr Warren here… Yet, here’s the glaring reality I’ve come to realize lately… These successful folks? Odd as it may seem. They ar...

OPEN UP if you’re having issues automating… Life Coach

OPEN UP if you’re having issues automating… Life Coach Tried, No luck yet, life coach?  You can have the most beautiful, powerful, and reliable vehicle in the world sitting in your driveway. Yet, if it requires a rare gas you aren’t sure you can get your hands on? Then it’s a pretty worthless car, right? Remember: Feeling and expressing emotions is natural and when we prohibit ourselves from experiencing them we stop our own optimal, engaged lifestyle. High-achievers learn to identify feelings that support their optimal lifestyles. Expressing Appropriate Emotions is Life Skill #3 according to World Life Skills Expert, Jill Raiguel. Hey there, Dr Warren again… Many experience similar feelings when it comes to automating their lives and businesses. They may have a beautiful, powerful automation model on their hands. Or they have a great idea that will make them “rich beyond their dreams!” But, how will they FUEL ...

Think it’s harder to get 4 days off every week? Life Coach

Think it’s harder to get 4 days off every week? Life Coach Getting days off every week for life coach optimal lifestyle does not have to be any harder than this.  I know sometimes I talk about some pretty big numbers here. …10 hours, …20 hours, …30 hours EVERY Week fueling your optimal lifestyle. Even 4+ days and more off every week. Hey again, Dr Warren with you… When we are feeling compelled to support others (co-dependent) we don’t permit ourselves from experiencing our own optimal, engaged lifestyle. High-achievers create boundaries to support their optimal, engaged lifestyles. Expressing Appropriate Emotions is Life Skill #3 according to World Life Skills Expert, Jill Raiguel. And you may be thinking, “It’s going to be ten times harder for me to get 2 days off every week, over getting 1/2 day off every week.” I get it. Seems logical to think that way.  However, does it take any more effort to sell a $100K Tesla over a $20K Ho...

Mommy!” she cried as mom sped off to her 9-5…LifeCoach

“Mommy!” she cried as mom sped off to her 9-5… Life Coach? Nothing is worth this type of sacrifice if you can avoid it at all possible. It’s not all about the income, right? Look: Just like this mother’s experience tells… She pulled out of the daycare, wiping tears from her eyes. The view of her little girl weeping, crying out “Mommy!” behind her as she sped off to her dreaded j-o-b. Hi again, Dr Warren here… Rescuing others from their dramas (to fuel our own drama) is again, preventing us experiencing our own optimal, engaged lifestyle. High-achievers prevent others’ dramas from becoming their own to protect their successful lifestyles. Expressing Appropriate Emotions is Life Skill #3 according to World Life Skills Expert, Jill Raiguel. That day? With that image of her girl standing behind her still plastered in her mind. Her tears turned into determination. Rather than saying goodbye to her little girl… She’d start saying goodbye to...