Is procrastination killing your dreams? (Know this, do this) Life Coach
Is procrastination killing your dreams? (Know this, do this) Life Coach Procrastinating? Doubting ourselves? It is all a part of this glorious game of life. As a Life Coach I see it can be all too easy to take successful people of their craft, and hold them up high on a sparkly, bedazzled pedestal. People like actors, star athletes, millionaires and billionaires, famous musicians and so forth. We may begin to think they have superpowers, or luck that WE don’t possess. Nor ever will. Expressing emotions promotes good physical and mental health. When we don’t permit ourselves we limit our own optimal, engaged lifestyle. High-achievers learn express emotions in healthy ways that support their successful lifestyles. Expressing Appropriate Emotions is Life Skill #3 according to World Life Skills Expert, Jill Raiguel. Hi, Dr Warren here… Yet, here’s the glaring reality I’ve come to realize lately… These successful folks? Odd as it may seem. They ar...