
Showing posts from August, 2019

8 Ways you need to curate your library of content

3 min read @ curate library content Your next step in curating your library of content Everyday when we go through life, we experience associations with people, brands, characters, and animals. In a previous blog you chose your primary association to easily connect with your personality? Click to start building your own influential personal brand personality-FREE If you are like me, creativity isn't something that just rolls out of the brain. Over the years teaching and training in communications, I've learned patterns that make creativity easier. In this blog is one of the pattern hacks I teach to my students. This hack doesn't fix your creativity, but it builds your creativity muscles. As you will see, content is all in your mindset. I really want to focus on the #mindset. Gary Vaynerchuk MY CONTENT IS A MINDSET! Your next step in The Brand Personality Builder is to curate select associations of people, brands, characters, and animals that align with yo...

4 Types you need to curate aligned brand content

Curate aligned brand content. Value through entertainment or education. Gary Vaynerchuk image 3 min read @ curate aligned brand content Is your content aligned with your brand values and brand personality? You could be killing trust as you send mixed messages. Click to start building your own influential personal brand personality-FREE Let’s review the story so far Before we go any further in this story, let’s review. So, you’ve been following my blog and you’ve been completing the Brand Builder exercises. If you haven’t finished the exercises click here for the Brand Builder. Also click here for the Brand Personality Builder. First, you have your personal brand values. Next, you have your personal brand personality. Finally, you have aligned your personal brand with ONE of the following groups: - person - brand - character - animal Now curate aligned primary content One day in a seminar a participant asked a great question. “So I should focus on t...

2 Steps you need to primary brand association

Primary brand association. To have intent..can be as simple as to entertain, inform, surprise or delight. Gary Vaynerchuk 3 min read @ primary brand association Want to be remembered? As humans we remember best stories that associate with someone or something familiar. That’s why it’s so valuable to be known for your association. Click to start building your own influential personal brand personality-FREE What to be remembered for your primary brand association? Tell stories with your associated group. To have intent...can be as simple as to entertain, inform, surprise or delight. Gary Vaynerchuk HOW TO TELL A STORY ON SOCIAL MEDIA Examples of memorable groups aligned brand personality Here are some associations I have heard lately. -Have you ever heard someone being referred to as, “That man is “the” Dwayne Johnson of real estate in this town.” -Or have you ever seen someone and thought, “Jenny is so well connected she's like the Uber...

4 Groups you need to align personal brand

Groups align personal brand. Curating content can be a very successful tactic. Gary Vaynerchuk 3 min read @ groups align personal brand How university students began to align groups with brands Ouch! I had a marketing professor ‘friend’ tell me I needed more background. In previous blogs, I’ve been writing about how my students developed these lists. So, here goes the short version. Back in 2014, I started teaching with Google forms to make learning more interactive. I quickly realized that my students could use their smartphones to curate real-time examples. Click to start building your own influential personal brand personality-FREE Groups align to personal brands, people-brands-characters-animals   Because I teach from builders, my students were curating examples as authentic learners. So essentially my classes became massive focus groups. For over 5 years I was teaching up to 7 courses every semester. Therefore with 30 to 45 stu...

4 Styles you need to distill brand personality

3 min read @ distill brand personality Brand Archetypes I taught in University I a previous blog I mentioned a great marketing book by Kent Wertime. Called, "Building Brands & Believers: How to Connect with Consumers Using Archetypes," Wertime talked about brand archetypes. In his book, Wertime shares 12 different brand archetypes. But because I was helping my life coaching students understand brand 12 types was overwhelming. I realized that for most non marketers, it’s quite difficult to distinguish 12 different types. So I broke them down to the 4 styles I taught in university communication courses. Click to start building your own influential personal brand personality-FREE Wertime Archetypes x Brinkman & Kirschner’s Styles Distill b rand personalities into 4 groups Also, I was helping my life coaching students build their personal brands.  To help them understand brand personalities, I had my students distill behaviors into 4 Quadrants. We ad...

4 Styles you need to align personal brand

Align personal brand. Build your personal brand equity. Gary Vaynerchuk 3 min read @ align personal brand If not now, then when will you live your vital life to the fullest? Build and align your brand personality Again today we are building a personal brand personality that aligns with your own style. So this ensures others connect with your brand as authentic and genuinely you. Your brand will connect with your audience using the blog and vlog content you create.  Because they align with your brand, you will know which people to include, show, or quote. Also, your brand will connect with images, you show including animals, characters and even colors. Click to start building your own influential personal brand personality-FREE   Brand personality styles are behaviors and talk We have been talking about ways brands have personality styles. So brands show their styles by sharing content, quoting people, showing images with animals,...

2-Q's you need to fuel personal brand builder

Personal brand builder. “What are you interested in?” Gary Vaynerchuk 3 min read @ personal brand builder Origin story for Interactive Personal Brand Builders Today I wanted to clarify my origin story for interactive Personal Brand Builders. I’m often asked why they are free. So the answer is because I’m a life coach trainer not a digital marketer. Before I start I wanted to ask 2 fueling questions. You need to know these so that you can fuel your influential personal brand builder. Are you living your life in your most vital way possible?  Every day are you getting up and going where you want to go? Does your influential personal brand have an attractive personality? If not, so when will you start building your personal brand personality? How will your brand personality communicate? Click to start building your own influential personal brand personality-FREE “What are you interested in?” Gary Vaynerchuk HOW TO BUILD GREAT COMPA...

20-Q's you need to brand task or people focused

Task or people focused. Respect Your Audience. Gary Vaynerchuk 3 min read @ brand task or people focused Is your brand task or people focused? Before you send me hate mail, let me clarify what I mean. EVERY business must focus on people. Also, this goes for focusing on the people who work in a business for B2B as well as B2C brands. What we are talking about here is HOW the how people prefer to communicate. So for example, some people prefer to talk about the tasks in their current project. Also, some people prefer to talk about the people and what they are doing in their current project. Again, as humans we are each attracted to certain types of personality behaviors. Therefore each of us is attracted to specific personality behaviors, but we’re not attracted to all behaviors. Does your influential personal brand have an attractive personality? If not, so when will you start building your personal brand personality? How will your brand person...

20-Q's you need to brand reserved vs outgoing

Brand reserved vs outgoing. Look yourself in the mirror. Gary Vaynerchuk 3 min read @ brand reserved vs outgoing Is your brand reserved vs outgoing Thanks for your questions and comments everyone. Let me give you some examples to clarify a little bit. As humans we are each attracted to certain types of personalities. Each of us is not attracted to all personalities, but we are each attracted to specific characteristics. How will your brand personality communicate? Click to start building your own influential personal brand personality-FREE Marketers throughout history have associated brands to human personality characteristics. These help us connect with some brands and not connect with other brands. Choose your brand reserved vs outgoing When you create your own personal brand you’ll want to carefully develop your brand personality. This is important because it is almost impossible to attract everyone. It is best to make sure you personal bran...

2-Q's you need to align brand personality

Align your brand personality. Share your process. Gary Vaynerchuk 3 min read @ align brand personality Who do you naturally connect with? What is the communication style of the people that YOU get along with most easily? In a previous post I mentioned a famous psychologist, Carl Jung. Carl Jung wrote about personalities and archetypes that we see in famous global brands. Does your influential personal brand have an attractive personality? If not, when will you start building your personal brand personality? How will your brand personality communicate? Click to build your own influential personal brand personality-FREE Global brands have personality characteristics that make them easier for specific groups of people to connect. Does your personal influential brand connect to your target audience? How your brand communicates connects with your audience Remember, it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it that makes the difference. Okay, so you w...

7-Steps you need to craft your brand personality

Craft your brand personality. Know yourself. Gary Vaynerchuk 3 min read @ craft brand personality Ever meet a stranger you instantly liked? or disliked? Historically there are 4 primary personality styles we humans relate to most easily. Though this concept can be confusing for some, so I will add context. But let me start by asking you some questions. First, have you ever walked into a room and met someone for the first time? Next, right after you saw or heard that person, you felt comfortable with her or him? Also, maybe you felt the reverse. So, when you looked at or talked to a stranger, you didn’t like them at all? How did you know you liked or disliked someone? The answer: the way they communicated or how you experienced their personality. Does your influential personal brand have an attractive personality? If not, when will you start building your personal brand personality? How will your brand personality communicate? Click to start bui...

3 Ways you need to use your personal brand personality

Use personal brand personality. "Brand is about how someone feels..." Gary Vaynerchuk 3 min read @ use personal brand personality So, you ask, “How do you build a personal brand personality to use?” Thanks for asking, so please let me explain the builder. NOTE: We have called this a “builder” instead of a course.  This is because you spend your time “building” than learning “how to.” Back in the day when I was in school learning to be a teacher, I learned about Carl Jung. Carl Jung is famous for his advanced thinking about personalities and archetypes. Does your influential personal brand have an attractive personality? If not, when will you start building your personal brand personality? Do you have a well-defined personality that guides your influential personal brand image and content? Click to start building your own influential personal brand personality-FREE As you  look at brands you can see they have characteristics of human personalities. So, we...

3 Tips you need to share ideal audience content

Ideal audience content. The market is the market is the market. Gary Vaynerchuk- 3 min read @ ideal audience content First, imagine your ideal audience and what they would expect. Next, ask yourself, “What would they see that would help them feel part of the community?” Need content to build your influential personal brand? BTW, we’ve a builder (expert system of sorts) to help you build your own influential personal brand. Also, you just answer questions, and you get an email with your personal brand content first draft. When will you start building your personal brand? So, this is the seventh question in the builder. 7) What will your ideal audience expect when they see your content? Click to start building your own influential personal brand Tip 1) First, give your ideal audience content they want First, look at this example. Imagine you are a Smurf custom clothes creator, collector, and blogger. So, your readers would like to see content on...