2-Q's you need to align brand personality

 Build your brand personality here.Align your brand personality. Share your process. Gary Vaynerchuk image-garyvee.com
Align your brand personality. Share your process. Gary Vaynerchuk image-garyvee.com

3 min read @ align brand personality

Who do you naturally connect with?

What is the communication style of the people that YOU get along with most easily?

In a previous post I mentioned a famous psychologist, Carl Jung. Carl Jung wrote about personalities and archetypes that we see in famous global brands.

Does your influential personal brand have an attractive personality?

If not, when will you start building your personal brand personality?
How will your brand personality communicate?

Click to build your own influential personal brand personality-FREE

Global brands have personality characteristics that make them easier for specific groups of people to connect. Does your personal influential brand connect to your target audience?

How your brand communicates connects with your audience

Remember, it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it that makes the difference.

Okay, so you want your personal brand to connect to your target, but you don’t know how. There is a way for your brand to connect, but it’s easier than you think.

For years researchers have developed theories and there are two common threads or what we call continuums. One continuums is reserved (quite) vs. outgoing oriented and the other continuums is task vs. people focused.

Maybe you have been to a training session to learn about these different ways people communicate. So, if you have you will understand these differences.

Q's to align your personal brand personality

Here are your 2 guiding questions:
  1. First look in the mirror and ask yourself this question. “Do I feel I’m naturally more reserved (quiet) or more outgoing (talkative) oriented?”
  2. Next look in the mirror, and ask yourself this. “Do I feel I’d rather talk about tasks (task focused) or talk about people (people focused)?”
When we combine this orientation and this focus, we get 4 quadrants. They are:
1. More quiet and task focused = Get it right: Quadrant 1
2. More outgoing and task focused = Get it done: Quadrant 2
3. More outgoing and people focused = Get appreciated: Quadrant 3
4. More quiet and people focused = Get along: Quadrant 4

Align your brand personality 4 quadrants
Align your brand personality 4 quadrants

What is the biggest value point for my coaching students when they learn this process? Brands show their personalities these same ways.

When you create your personal influential brand you better align it with your own personality.

The value when you align your brand personality

Thanks for reading this post, but the value here is not just reading. The value comes from applying what you learned.

The beautiful thing when you learn something then you document what you learned. Also, then you can post what you have learned

It’s much smarter for you to talk to the world about your process of going through this than the advice you think you should be giving them. Gary VaynerchukHOW YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS CAN BUILD A PERSONAL BRAND (AKA A REPUTATION) 

Click to build your own influential personal brand personality-FREE

 The test questions: When you looked at your results, what did you say to yourself about how you felt? Did you feel comfortable when you aligned your personality and your brand personality?

Did you align your personal influential brand personality yet? So, are you still struggling to align your personal influential brand personality? Please email me at drwarren@cict.co.

Click here to get the 12-Point Checklist.

Also, please check my site dedicated to helping others build online influence.
Build your influence at https://influenceyoursuccess.com


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