2 Steps you need to craft your 3 year vision

Craft 3 year vision. Every decision I make is predicated on the long term. Gary Vaynerchuk image-garyvee.com

3 min read @ craft your 3 year vision

Based on your passion, how do you see the world will be different in 3 years? So, when I asked students in my Advanced Certificate for Life Coaching, they struggled to answer.

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When will you start building your personal brand? So, this is the sixth question in the builder.

6) How do you see the world will be different in 3 years?

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How do you craft your 3 year vision?

Next, I asked them, “How would you like to grow your coaching business in 3 years?” After that, my coaching students responded much more clearly.

That is the process for you then. First, look at where you are with your passion and tell yourself how you feel. Next, imagine where you could see your passion could grow over the next 3 years.

I have my coaching students follow this 2-step process as it helps keep them realistic.

Step 1) Describe your passion now

Is you passion something you have developed into a money making venture? Or is your passion just a love that keeps you busy and gives you escapism?

Every decision I make is predicated on the long term. Gary Vaynerchuk

Step 2) Craft your 3 year vision

First, set yourself be free to imagine possibilities. Also, don’t get stuck on how you would, could or couldn’t do it.

Then, where do you see your passion if you worked on it like a full time job? So, what would you say to yourself about how it feels spending all day with your love?

Also, a quick reminder. So, keep your vision on planet Earth.

Therefore, don’t let yourself get too carried away. Hence, don’t be delusional and say, “In 3 years I see I my $3M Smurf empire.” For example, you probably are not going to build the next Uber if you’ve never tried before.

Craft your 3 year vision examples to get you started

Also, below are some highlight ideas, trigger questions, and sample responses to open your mind. So, as you look at these ask yourself, how you feel they relate to your passion.

Highlight ideas

First, here are some highlight ideas.  So, spark the authentic part of you that has positive intent and gives you energy.

1. What do you want your career and life to look like over the next 3–5 years?
2. Write down what you see yourself doing in the next 3–5 years online/professionally.
3. What can and should be different in the world.
4. How you are in the picture of making the difference.
5. We will want to build out your social media profiles to be inline with this vision.

Sample responses

Next, here are sample responses from my clients and students.

So, finish this statement: In 3 years...
1. My vision is to be the guide for thousands of lawyers sharing their passion for golf.
2. My vision is to be connected to thousands of others who share my passion for Hello Kitty accessories.
3. My vision is to share my expertise and passion for optimal experiences as others find true happiness as they engage in the moment in their lives.

Trigger questions

Also, here are some more trigger questions to help you stimulate ideas.

1. First, what is your vision of a problem that is impossible that can change to possible?
2. Also, what is your vision of a pain/struggle that can change to possible in the future?
3. Then, what inspires you to create a possibility of a different future?
4. Finally, what is your perspective and how is it different from others?

Have your vision yet? So, are you still struggling to craft your 3 year vision? Please email me at drwarren@cict.co.
Click here to get the 12-Point Checklist.
Also, please check my site dedicated to helping others build online influence.
Build your influence at https://influenceyoursuccess.com


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