4 Examples you need to align core values

Keep the core values of your business intact. Gary Vaynerchuk image-garyvee
Keep the core values of your business intact. Gary Vaynerchuk image-garyvee

4 min read @ core values

Give the courage to live life

What if you were one post away from giving someone the courage to live life? That happened to me one day when I was in the hospital.

I had multiple broken arms and legs and my good friend, Matt, came to visit. Matt told me he admired my courage to keep going, to keep trying new things.

Keep going? I just wanted to give up. But after he left the hospital though, I thought, “Maybe he has a point.”

As long as I can remember, I have been one who loves to try and learn. So, it seems my personal mantra has always been, “Let’s see what we can do?”

Core values guide your personal brand 

As I most always had things I love to do, I never questioned the need for core values. Though, more and more I’m learning core values guide our personal brands.

Keep the core values of your business intact. Gary Vaynerchuk

Look at most every post (blog / vlog / etc.) about articulating personal brands. So, you will see core values guide our behaviors. Also, those who are feeling poorly are generally not following their core values. 

Trust yourself, it’s easier

As you build your personal brand, you will want to focus on your own core values. As a result, let your core values guide you when you create content or interactivities.

So, what does the term “core values guide our personal brand” mean?

Please forgive me for using a color analogy here. So, there are many examples of colors creating moods. As a result, which of these connect with you?

4 Core values color examples

First, let’s say your core values are inspiring positivity, balance, and rejuvenation in others. Maybe, then your blog / site could have a green theme or mood as it’s an aligned color.

To begin, focus in writing / images /  videos / quotes will be on supporting positive growth in others. So, the stories you share or people you quote will align with your positive growth theme.

Second, let’s say your core values are energetic, friendly, and stimulating. Probably, then your site theme or mood could align with yellow color hues.

Next, your content would be more welcoming, and full of energy and possibility. So, your content would be more "try new things," “join the fun,” or “explore with us.”

Third, what if your core values are power, action, and passion? Maybe, you could have red color hues on your site.

Also, you would focus your content for stronger personalities and winning. For example, you would quote LeBron James on working hard to win.

Fourth, another possibility is to have core values of dependable, trustworthy, and secure. Maybe, these values align with blue color hues.

Finally, your content could focus on topics like precision and details. So, you would include more authority and data analytics in your content.

Examples you need to align core values colors- image canva.com
Examples you need to align core values colors- image canva.com

Core values examples to get you started

Also, below are some highlight ideas, trigger questions, and sample responses to open your mind. So, as you look at these ask yourself, how you feel they relate to your passion.

Highlight ideas

First, here are some highlight ideas.  So, spark the authentic part of you that has positive intent and gives you energy.

1. Values are the deep-seated, personal standards that influence every aspect of our lives.
2. Examples include integrity, privacy, family, honesty, harmony, and loyalty.
3. Great influencers are crystal clear about what they value and how their values guide their behavior and decisions.

Sample responses

Next, here are sample responses from my clients and students.

Finish this statement: “My core values are:
1. To understand without judgement
2. To explore as many options as possible with the clients
3. To extend the limitation beliefs of the client
4. To inspire the client to think out of the box
5. To congratulate what has done or even just planned
6. To encourage and motivate what the client has done
7. To be open, honest and humorous
8. To be engaging, proactive, honest

Trigger questions

Furthermore, these are some more trigger questions to help you stimulate ideas.

1. What values make you feel confidence and enthusiasm?
2. What values make you want to pay attention and listen?
3. What value (behavioral or ethical) makes you feel respected when someone demonstrates it with you?
4. When you are on a team what values do make you feel connected to others?
5. What do others do that makes you feel encouraged to connect with them?
6. What values do you look for in a leader or coach?

Still not sure? Click this link to compete the exercise to know your true values:  https://forms.gle/anfKL6xGGJoptoqf8

Have your core values yet? If you are still struggling to find your core values, please email me at drwarren@cict.co.

Click here to get the 12-Point Checklist.
Also, please check my site dedicated to helping others build online influence.
Build your influence at https://influenceyoursuccess.com



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