4 Ways you need to align your brand values – Content Marketing
My client Kenny asked me what do I mean when I wrote “design your character.” That’s a good question and it relates to personal brand building.
When you become an influencer, you show your character to your followers. The question is what character do they see?
Are you personal brand building like this to make people interested?
The important idea is you want to your character to your organizational brand values. You want to develop your character with human traits like loving, trusting, succeeding, caring, creating, etc.
Ultimately these human traits are your brand values. Also, as you create content for your PR or content marketing, your content aligns with your brand values.
For example think of Mickey Mouse. What are Mickey’s brand values? They can be seen as:
- come with me to visit the happiest place on earth
- discover a whole new world for you and your family
- trust our positive outlook for making you happy
Try personal brand building with these tools to build likability and trust
The easiest way I have used to train thousands is to see personality is using two continuums. First, some people move and speak faster and louder, and some slower and more quiet.
Next, some people feel more comfortable focusing on tasks and some feel more comfortable focusing on people. So, remember this is one if your most important attributes you can craft.
If we plot these we get 4-quadrant chart with a horizontal axis and a vertical axis. So we can put slow – fast on the horizontal axis and the task – people focus on the vertical axis. Then we have 4-quadrants.

So when you are designing your character (who everyone sees,) you will want to align your brand values. This means everything your character says or does shows or makes people feel your brand values.
Apply these personal brand building tools and instill trust to win new customers
Learn to confidently write and localize with these cultural value preferences, you can read my past blogs:
- Individualistic vs. Collectivistic Cultures / Non-Native English Speakers
- Low vs. High Power Distance Cultures / Non-Native English Speakers
- Nurturing vs. Competitive Communication Cultures / Non-Native English Speakers
- Less vs. More Certainty Comfort Cultures / Non-Native English Speakers
- Short-Term vs. Long-Term Thinking Cultures / Non-Native English Speakers
Get more customers when you learn how to localize for your target cultures in social media and more:
- LinkedIn: 10 Ways you need to localize for other cultures
- Twitter: 10 Ways you need to localize for other cultures
- Facebook: 10 Ways you need to localize for other cultures
- Instagram: 10 Ways you need to localize for other cultures
- WeChat: 5 Ways you need to localize WeChat in China
- Automated email: 10 Ways you need to localize for other cultures
- Instant Messages: 10 Ways you need to localize for other cultures?
Build your success when you use these rules to localize your content marketing strategy for other cultures:
- Content strategy: 7 Levels you need to localize your content strategy
- Calendar roadmap: 8 Steps you need to calendar & localize for other cultures
- Segment lists: 3 Ways you need to segment & localize your lists for other cultures
- Storytelling ideas: 5 Great storytelling steps you localize for other cultures
- Storytelling creation: 7 Items you need to localize: Global storytelling content
- SEO split tests: 12 Ways you need to split test blog SEO to localize cultures
- Headline building: 7 Ways you need to localize headlines for other cultures
- Captions + Alt: 7 Ways you need to localize your images for other cultures
- Subhead craft: 10 Ways you need to adjust subheads for other cultures
- Meta Descriptions: 10 Ways you need to localize meta descriptions
DEFINITION: Giggers – those who have started their own Gig to live the New Gig Economy Lifestyle.
Today I am focusing on Gig Business Success Step-5: Enjoy your Gig business optimal freedom lifestyle.

Check this to Localize Content Marketing Blog services case of doing…
Big sales and bigger fulfillment! People these days are full up with information. Yet, they’re STARVING for an ounce of transformation. (AKA: actual results)
A pdf, or a video module, or a live event all do NOTHING to impact your life, if it all stays at the info level, right?
Want to boost up your profits and impact others lives for the better? First of all, always focus on actually doing all you can to help people actually get real, tangible results.
Also, in my opinion? There’s no better way in this biz to do that than to help them earn bigger rewards.
For example… If you’re helping someone earn a $27 dollar sale? Then there’s little transformation there.
And, this leaves you little time to actually help them get the results they want. But when the big income and optimal lifestyle are staring back at us are at that level?
That changes the entire game. Can you see that in your personal brand building too?
Hone in your time on getting people results and transformation over info alone? And prepare to watch your profits and fulfillment soar.
Hope this helps.
Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read. Gary Vaynerchuk
Warren Linger
PS Right now, you even get a free coach consultation to help get you up and running, ASAP…
NOTE: So, if you don’t learn to use personal brand building tools, you may soon join the 80% of small businesses that fail within the first 5 years!
PS: Next time you will learn another step to your Gigger success and also localize culture content marketing blog tools. So if you would like more developing your Gig business to the next level and living your optimal lifestyle, great. First email me at drwarren@cict.co, or second click NOW for your free consultation.
Hope this helps.
Doc Warren Linger
PS You’ll also be able to join our private support groups on FB… so you’re never alone in getting your first few months of holiday vacation opening up.
We’ll all be there to celebrate your big successes, and also to help you up if and when you should ever fall…

==> Email drwarren@cict.co or click NOW to coach yourself to your new optimal lifestyle freedom.
You can see examples of innovations for Optimal Experiences at JOIN THE CURATION: Google+.
Remember, come join tomorrow to see more Improving Your Engagement with Screenagers and others inspirational experiences and ideas for Optimal Engagement in the ScreenAge.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.
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All client info has been scrubbed of identifying information unless they have given me specific, written permission to quote them.
Culture success skills adapted from: Cultures and Organizations: Software for the Mind 2nd Ed. (2005) Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede, McGraw Hill, New York.
*Entrepreneurial Foundation>Success Skills adapted from World Life Skills Expert, Jill Raiguel’s awesome book, “The Next Step,” (1991) Amethyst Books, New York.
Your Content Marketing Mentor, Doc Warren LINGER, Make it simple Gary Vaynerchuk Image eu-startups.com #CultureContentMarketing #ContentMarketingblog, #GlobalContentMarketing
4 Ways you need to align your brand values – Content Marketing
Learn more > https://cict.co/4-ways-align-brand-values/
Are you personal brand building like this to make people interested to know you? Try personal brand building with these tools to build your likability and instill trust. Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read. Gary Vaynerchuk
#WarrenLINGER, #personalbrandbuilding, #localizecontentmarketingblog, #culturecontentmarketing, #contentmarketingservices, #contenttools, #contentmarketingblog, #localization, #localize, #contentmarketingtools
Dr Warren LINGER © 2018
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