71 Dos and Don’ts you need for social media – Content Marketing

Your Content Marketing Mentor, Doc Warren LINGER, Interest shown in others Lee Odden Image digitalsummit.com Gary #ContentCoach #Content-Mentor #GlobalContentMarketing
A while back my client Mr. Chandhor asked me about making his own show in his content marketing strategy. Now he wasn’t talking about his own TV show, but the show he will share as an influencer.  
You see as an influencer, you have a show people see and a story people here. Both your show and your story have the ups and downs of starting your business.

Make customers know you with this localized content marketing strategy.

Mr. Chandhor’s show is his take-away food stall where he makes everything by hand while you watch. He invites customers to record what he is doing and upload into social media with a description.  
So, when Mr. Chandhor asked about his show, he wanted to know how to
  • teach his customers what to record and upload
  • help guide them to write compelling descriptions
I asked him if he was having problems with the recording and uploading and he said no. But when I asked him about guiding his customers to write. He didn’t know the differences in social media styles and audiences.

Make customers like you with these localized content marketing strategy tools.

To help Mr. Chandhor, I assembled these lists of Do’s and Don’ts for the biggest social media. So I hope these help you too. Btw, because we are in Hong Kong, we have included WeChat too.

Social Media Do’s and Don’ts


As LinkedIn is a Professional network adjust business communication for your target culture’s preferences. If you are targeting multiple cultures you can ‘carefully’ combine / localize certain cultural value preferences.
8 Things You Must Do In LinkedIn Writing:
  1.   Personalize Connection Requests
  2.   Send a Welcome Message
  3.   Respond Promptly
  4.   Post Content Regularly
  5.   Write Recommendation Requests
  6.   Nurture Your Relationships
  7.   Keep It Professional
  8.   Introduce People
6 Things You Must NEVER Do In LinkedIn Writing
  1.   Do not send spammy messages to your connections
  2.   Don’t post irrelevant messages
  3.   Do not send messages with, “I see you viewed my profile…”
  4.   Don’t post self-serving content
  5.   Do not criticize others or comment negatively
  6.   Don’t forget to check & reply to comments
Adapted from my client’s experience and research and:

Warren Linger LinkedIn Content Marketing Strategy
Warren Linger LinkedIn Content Marketing Strategy


As Twitter is a News Platform and Social Media Network adjust your Tweets to target your specific culture(s). With Twitter’s fast and open nature, my clients from High Power Distance, More Certainty, and Long-Term Thinking cultures say they use it less than other social media.
8 Things You Do In Twitter Writing
  1.   Cultivate a publisher mentality
  2.   Be creative and interesting
  3.   Repost your posts
  4.   Vary your types of posts
  5.   Retweet content
  6.   Understand hashtags
  7.   Add a comment when you retweet
  8.   Plug in to Tweet chats
6 Things You Don’t Do In Twitter Writing
  1.    Do not be shy
  2.    Don’t favorite something if it needs a reply
  3.    Do not write more than 280 characters
  4.    Don’t be boring
  5.    Do not forget to shorten links
  6.    DON’T GO CRAZY USING ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adapted from my client’s experience and research and:

Warren Linger Twitter Content Marketing Strategy
Warren Linger Twitter Content Marketing Strategy


As Facebook is a social network (imagine you are at a cocktail party)adjust your social communication to align with your specific culture(s). Also, if you are aligning with multiple cultures you can carefully combine certain cultural preferences.
8 Things You Must Do In Facebook Writing
  1.   Write to your ideal audience
  2.   Use a genuine, not pushy tone
  3.   Share events and milestones
  4.   Welcome feedback and suggestions
  5.   Create clear and short posts
  6.   Interact with your audience
  7.   Create and nurture interactive relationships
  8.   Focus on getting ‘Share’s instead of only ‘Like’s
6 Things You Must NEVER Do In Facebook Writing
  1.    Do not be too salesy
  2.    Don’t send too many spammy messages
  3.    Do not go silent or forget about shares and likes
  4.    Don’t ignore problems
  5.    Do not be afraid to try new things
  6.    Don’t talk about other topics
Adapted from my client’s experience and research and:

Warren Linger Facebook Content Marketing Strategy
Warren Linger Facebook Content Marketing Strategy


As Instagram is a visual network adjust image and video communication to target your specific audience(s). Successful writing in Instagram is about captions. So you want to spend more time crafting them to connect or compel your viewers.
8 (+1)Things You Must Do In Instagram Writing
  1.   Know your audience
  2.   Identify your brand voice
  3.   Consider length
  4.   Write most important words at the beginning
  5.   Use hashtags, but use them wisely
  6.   Give a shout-out with an @mention
  7.   Encourage engagement with a call to action
  8.   Don’t be afraid to use emoji
+1. Try using quotes
6 Things You Must NEVER Do In Instagram Writing
  1.    Do not forget users flip fast, so you only have a second to connect
  2.    Don’t neglect to edit and rewrite
  3.    Do not mindlessly add hashtags at the beginning
  4.    Don’t write too much if not needed
  5.    Do not spam or be spammy
  6.    Don’t mislead just to get likes and followers
Adapted from my client’s experience and research and:

Warren Linger Instagram Content Marketing Strategy
Warren Linger Instagram Content Marketing Strategy


Although WeChat began as a social chat platform, it has evolved into it’s own online ecosystem. So adjust content messages to target your specific demographics, markets, and locations.
8 Things You Must Do In WeChat Writing
  1.   Personalize Friend Requests
  2.   Keep it positive
  3.   Respond Promptly
  4.   Post Content Regularly
  5.   Speak the User’s Language
  6.   Unvarnished be honest about the down side
  7.   Self-mocking in a humbling way
  8.   Make it useful
6 Things You Must NEVER Do In WeChat Writing
  1.   Do not think WeChat is another Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.
  2.   Don’t be too pushy or sell too much
  3.   Do not forget WeChat is heavily monitored and censored
  4.   Don’t send sensitive data or information
  5.   Do not incite overly negative emotions
  6.   Don’t talk politics or overthrow the government
Adapted from my client’s experience and research and:

Warren Linger WeChat Content Marketing Strategy
Warren Linger WeChat Content Marketing Strategy

Use these tools to build trust with your localize content marketing strategy.

Learn to confidently write and localize with these cultural value preferences, you can read my past blogs:
Get more customers when you learn how to localize for your target cultures in social media and more:
Build your success when you use these rules to localize your content marketing strategy for other cultures:
Today I am focusing on Gig Business Success Step-1: Use low cost digital marketing.

Your 5-Step Gigger Success Process: Content Marketing Tools
Your 5-Step Gigger Success Process: Content Marketing Tools

Create a work structure that supports the results you want with your content marketing strategy. Work with it consistency, day in and out, and also avoid distractions. Invest in yourself and your business. Avoid shiny objects.
Stick to a simple, proven plan. Hope this helps.
Gotta run.

A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others. Lee Odden

Warren Linger
PS Right now, you even get a free coach consultation to help get you up and running, ASAP…

Get Global Clients Today: Content Marketing Tools. Exercise #9:

As a Gigger in the global Gig economy, how can you localize content marketing strategy to build your Gig business to the next level?

Look at these examples where Giggers say they have struggled and then localized content marketing strategy. Then they will have learned to overcome challenges to feel confident. So then they will build their Gig business to support their customer clans.
  • I was felt frustrated not getting customers from other countries. So I’ve automated and now I see I get regular feedback and analytics 
  • I’ve saw my content was focused on my own culture. So I hired a mentor tell me better ways to get customers
  • My ad campaigns in other countries were inconsistent. So learned to use analytics to see what I needed and ask better questions to connect my customers
Write 3 ways you’ve felt frustrated and could localize content marketing strategy to create your flow systems. So then you can have time to feel fully engaged developing yourself in your Gig and for your customer clan.
Look at your list and attack 1 (only one at a time but do try a new one every month) idea to apply this week:
  1. Write your your idea where you global-adjust your content marketing tools.
  2. List steps you see to overcome (e.g. digital media) to see opportunities and values for your clan.
  3. Give yourself a metric to measure progress. (e.g. I will set a webinar for my customer clan feedback and learn from them when they want.)
  4. Reward yourself after you have completed your steps to channel frustrations into unstoppable power.
Debrief: The point here is to get over your own “NO, I can’t,” response. Therefore you can develop yourself, so you can have your business success and your optimal lifestyle.
If you are looking at this exercise and saying, “this feels awkward,” that is good. The important part is you will get used to it, as your life, family, and business depend on it.

A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others. Lee Odden

NOTE: Learn how to create your content marketing strategy. Or you may soon join the 80% of small businesses that fail within the first 5 years!
PS: Next time you will learn another step to your Gigger success as you global adjust your content marketing tools. So if you would like more developing your Gig business to the next level and living your optimal lifestyle contact me. Email me at drwarren@cict.co or click NOW for your free consultation.

Hope this helps.
Doc Warren Linger
PS You’ll also be able to join our private support groups on FB… So you’re never alone in getting your first few months of holiday vacation opening up.
We’ll all be there to celebrate your big successes, and to help you up if and when you should ever fall…
Live your optimal lifestyle and promote it with content marketing tools.

Live your optimal lifestyle and promote it with content marketing strategy.
Live your optimal lifestyle and promote it with content marketing tools.

==> Email drwarren@cict.co or click NOW to coach yourself to your new optimal lifestyle freedom.

Content Marketing Optimal Engagement Lifestyle

All client info has been scrubbed of identifying information. So unless they have given me specific, written permission to quote them, no one will know.
Culture success skills adapted from: Cultures and Organizations: Software for the Mind 2nd Ed. (2005) Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede, McGraw Hill, New York.
Your Content Marketing Mentor, Doc Warren LINGER, Interest shown in others. Lee Odden Image digitalsummit.com Gary #ContentCoach #Content-Mentor #GlobalContentMarketing
71 Dos and Don’ts you need for social media – Content Marketing
Learn more > https://cict.co/71-dos-donts-social-media/
Make customers know you with this localized content marketing strategy. Make customers like you with these localized content marketing strategy tools. Use these tools to build trust with your localize content marketing strategy. A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others. Lee Odden
#WarrenLINGER, #localizecontentmarketingblog, #culturecontentmarketing, #contentmarketingstrategy, #contenttools, #contentmarketingblog, #localization, #localize, #contentmarketingtools 
Dr Warren LINGER © 2018


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