8 Nurturing & Challenging cultures you need to localize – Content Marketing

Your Content Marketing Mentor, Doc Warren LINGER, It does not exist-Tim Ash Imagesitetuners.com #CultureContentMarketing #ContentMarketingTools #GlobalContentMarketing
My client Sherman told me he felt frustrated and overwhelmed with culture content marketing. This is because he wanted to maintain connections with his customers, but didn’t know how.
A while back I blogged about my client Sharman, who has a takeaway fast food stall. In that blog, I wrote about LCV, Lifetime Customer Value?
The point of calculating LCV is to look beyond what you gain in your initial sale. So, you want to think, “How much value can I provide over the lifetime of this customer?” Btw, value (to them) = income (to you.)
When you scale globally you will want to localize for culture communication styles to build LCV. For example some cultures have a much more nurturing communication style and some have a more competitive style.
Let’s say your content marketing is full of stories about face to face challenges. You will appeal more to a challenging communication of culture. But this may well repel people from a nurturing type of culture, and visa versa.
So now you are saying, “So what?” Well, the “So what?” is the difference between connecting with a few people or many people in your target cultures.
Here are some example cultures and language snippets.

Culture content marketing like this will make you welcome anywhere

In high power distance cultures high level decision makers mostly talk other high level decision makers. So, very rarely do low level staff talk or interact with high level staff inside or outside the organization.
But this is different in low power distance cultures. In these cultures high level decision makers and low level staff can be found talking to almost all levels.  
As Russia is what we call a High Power distance culture, that means mostly executives talk with other executives or those at similar levels. Therefore they rarely talk with those above or below their own levels.

Apply these culture content marketing tools in your content marketing

Nurturing Competitive Comm-Culture Content Marketing Services
Nurturing Competitive Comm-Cultures Content Marketing Services
Back to Sherman. His problem was that he wanted to maintain contact with his local and tourist customers. As Sherman is chef, he doesn’t know much about digital marketing, and
Sherman wanted it to be easy. Most everything of value isn’t easy or cheap. All Sherman needed to do was spend 30 to 60 minutes a day learning about culture communication.
Again, when Sherman tried to learn about online promotion tools in the past, he felt frustrated and overwhelmed. So first of all, we sat down and I showed him how to use some tools.
We started by creating some Facebook ads and then we got Sherman listed on Google My Business. Btw, Sherman was quite surprised when his shop showed up on Google Maps.
Next, we created some simple QR codes so Sherman could invite customers to join his list. Then, we created discount for customers who uploaded images of Sherman’s food.
The end result is Sherman has created his own brand recognized by locals and tourists. He gets emails and messages from his customers telling him how they like his food.
Now, Sherman uses these posts as content for marketing his shop. He has a list of over 20K subscribers and he has segmented his list so he can localize his emails.
Be sure to check online to see if he is open before you go to Sherman’s shop. As Sherman has a strong following, he doesn’t need to work every day any more.

Try these Culture Content Marketing Tools to win new customers

Learn to confidently write and localize with these cultural value preferences, you can read my past blogs:
Get more customers when you learn how to localize for your target cultures in social media and more:
Build your success when you use these rules to localize your content marketing strategy for other cultures:
DEFINITION: Giggers – those who have started their own Gig to live the New Gig Economy Lifestyle.
Today I am focusing on Gig Business Success Step-3: Enjoy your Gig Business optimal freedom lifestyle.
Your 5-Step Gigger Success Process: Culture Content Marketing Tools
Your 5-Step Gigger Success Process: Culture Content Marketing Tools

Check this to Culture Content Marketing services case discussion

The military have a way of boiling everything down to its most eloquent and basic foundation.
There’s something they teach newcomers, which they call: EMBRACE THE SUCK
You see…
If you “expect” something to not be too easy for a period of time, you embrace it. You can handle it.
If you expect things to always go incredibly smooth? The challenges will chew you up and spit you out without any signs of remorse.
Now, the business I recommend is a simple business model to follow and profit from. Yet, launching anything worthwhile CAN be challenging at first, at least till you’re up to speed.
And, we still have to sit our bottoms down each day and do the funwork. (Even if it’s just 30 to 60 minutes.)

It isn’t all that

So I say, not only embrace the suck, but also “bookend” the suck. Things are so much easier in this business when you set a specific time on your calendar each day to focus on your work.
And you treat that time as sacred. You show up, and do the work, without question. Just as you’d show up for a scheduled and necessary surgery that will change your life for the better.
Following a proven plan, with day in and day out consistency? Well, it will be hard for you to NOT succeed. Especially with a proven and simple enough plan to follow…

The Rules of Web Awareness If the visitor can’t find something easily, it does not exist. Tim Ash

Have a great day.
Warren Linger
PS Right now, you even get a free coach consultation to help get you up and running, ASAP…

Get Global Clients Today: Culture Content Marketing Tools. Exercise #6:

As a Gigger in the global Gig economy, how can you use culture content marketing tools to build your Gig business to the next level?

Look at these examples where Giggers say they have struggled and then localized content tools. Then they could overcome challenges to feel confident and build their Gig business to support their customer clans.
  • I was felt frustrated not getting customers from other countries, so I’ve automated and now I see I get regular feedback and analytics 
  • I’ve saw my content was focused on my own culture, so I hired a mentor tell me better ways to get customers
  • My ad campaigns in other countries were inconsistent, so learned to use analytics to see what I needed and ask better questions to connect my customers
Write 3 ways you’ve felt frustrated and could use culture content marketing tools in marketing to create your flow systems. Because then you’ll have time to feel fully engaged developing yourself in your Gig and for your customer clan.
Look at your list and attack 1 (only one at a time but do try a new one every month) idea to apply this week:
  1. Write your your idea where you global-adjust your content marketing tools.
  2. List steps you see to overcome (e.g. digital media) to see opportunities and values for your clan.
  3. Give yourself a metric to measure progress. (e.g. I will set a webinar for my customer clan feedback and learn from them when they want.)
  4. Reward yourself after you have completed your steps to channel frustrations into unstoppable power.
Debrief: The point here is to get over your own “NO, I can’t,” response and develop yourself. So that way you can have your business success and your optimal lifestyle.
If you are looking at this exercise and saying, “this feels awkward,” that is good. The important part is you will get used to it, as your life, family, and business depend on it.

The Rules of Web Awareness If the visitor can’t find something easily, it does not exist. Tim Ash

NOTE: If you don’t learn to localize content tools, you may soon join the 80% of small businesses that fail within the first 5 years!
PS: Next time you will learn another step to your Gigger success as you localize culture content marketing. If you would like more developing your Gig business to the next level and living your optimal lifestyle, great. Email me at drwarren@cict.co or click NOW for your free consultation.

Hope this helps.
Doc Warren Linger
PS You’ll also be able to join our private support groups on FB… so you’re never alone in getting your first few months of holiday vacation opening up.
We’ll all be there to celebrate your big successes, and to help you up if and when you should ever fall…
Live your optimal lifestyle and promote it when you localize Culture Content Marketing Tools.
Live your optimal lifestyle and promote it when you localize Culture Content Marketing Tools.
==> Email drwarren@cict.co or click NOW to coach yourself to your new optimal lifestyle freedom.
You can see examples of innovations for Optimal Experiences at JOIN THE CURATION: Google+.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.

Content Marketing Optimal Engagement Lifestyle

As a trainer and university lecturer in the USA, I had great success in my coaching, training, and classrooms. I did this by engaging my learners in ways I had learned from my Dale Carnegie Instructor Training. (optimal engagement)
So, I moved to Hong Kong to start a training company after earning my Doctoral Degree. My Doctoral research focus was engaging instruction in adult education and training and development for better learning.
But something was wrong, I was struggling in this new culture (I’m a cattle rancher’s son from Colorado, USA.) I wanted to find ways to inspire and motivate my coachees and students in Hong Kong.
With my coachees and in the classroom, I preferred having clients engage in learning activities instead of just talking. So this was especially effective to keep clients engaged between coaching calls.
Yet, I struggled through trying several paper worksheets and workbooks to guide students, yet I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. (junk engagement)
Then when the smart phone with the ability to search the internet came along I could see more. I could see my clients were curating (i.e. searching, finding, collecting, commenting, changing, remixing, and sharing.)
I thought, “Why not do that for learning?” So as a result, I started asking students to answer questions, interact with information. When they could share with colleagues, and go find examples of the learning content using their mobile devices.

Content Marketing eWorkbook development and success

I began searching for improved learning possibilities and I struggled testing several apps. We stumbled upon and created best practices using eWorkbooks. After testing them, we began to use eWorkbooks as my clients always had their devices with them.
Then we used eWorkbooks (Google Forms with the training slides as well as interactive questions, curating links and tasksexample images and videos, etc.) So, this became powerful for my coaching clients because they were able to share ideas. Also, they could get the benefits of social learning even though they were not in the training course or classroom.
Therefore, my clients [Engaging Screenagers] completed eWorkbooks using their mobile devices as they were learning interactively. At the same time, they were developing habits of learning with their devices. (optimal engagement) This stops them from killing time with their devices. (junk engagement)
It seems students didn’t mind using eWorkbooks to take notes while I lead the discussion and guided them. Also, after they submitted their answers, they would get their responses sent to their inbox. So, that way they can review their learning Moments of Growth(optimal engagement)
Because the students’ responses from eWorkbooks go right into a spreadsheet in real-time. So, as the teacher I can monitor what students are doing to give them guidance in the moment. Also ,I could track their learning development over time.

Use these localize content tools to connect and gather valuable data

Since those early days, I’ve had great luck supporting my coaching clients and entrepreneur friends. They’ve begun to use Google forms for 360° reviews for evaluations. Also, had great luck using eBrochures and eMenus. We’ve tested new ideas and actively engage and actively interact with customers.
All client info has been scrubbed of identifying information unless they have given me specific, written permission to quote them.
Culture success skills adapted from: Cultures and Organizations: Software for the Mind 2nd Ed. (2005) Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede, McGraw Hill, New York.
*Entrepreneurial Foundation>Success Skills adapted from World Life Skills Expert, Jill Raiguel’s awesome book, “The Next Step,” (1991) Amethyst Books, New York.
Your Content Marketing Mentor, Doc Warren LINGER, It does not exist-Tim Ash Imagesitetuners.com #CultureContentMarketing #ContentMarketingTools #GlobalContentMarketing
8 Nurturing & Challenging cultures you need to localize – Content Marketing
Learn more > https://cict.co/8-nurturing-competitive-cultures-localize/
Culture content marketing like this will make you welcome anywhere. Apply these culture content marketing tools in your content marketing. Try these Culture Content Marketing Tools to win new customers. The Rules of Web Awareness If the visitor can’t find something easily, it does not exist. Tim Ash
#WarrenLINGER, #localizecontenttools, #culturecontentmarketing, #contentmarketingservices, #contenttools, #contentmarketingtools, #contentmarketingblog, #transcreation, #localization, #localize, 
Dr Warren LINGER © 2018


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