7+ Ways you need to culture-adjust meta descriptions Content Marketing
A while back I was speaking at a conference talking about content marketing services and global customer engagement. Kenny, who is now my client, came up and asked me about meta descriptions after my talk.
Meta descriptions are the descriptions you see under the organization name and link in Google search results. Although they have little SEO value, they are key for getting potential customers to click through to your page.
How can you adjust meta descriptions for other cultures?
Kenny asked me how much of an influence his meta descriptions made on his search traffic. He wanted to know how to skyrocket his click through rates for his target cultures to build his customer clan overseas.
Kenny found he was getting more organic traffic from some cultures and less from others. It isn’t practical to write different descriptions for every culture unless you have a separate website in each culture you do business.
As Kenny is a solo Gigger, he only has one cite and description. But there are some techniques he can apply to connect with his target cultures’ value preferences.
When Kenny writes his descriptions, he can adjust his language to align with different cultures. Also, he can write terms and titles that appeal to his target cultures in his meta descriptions.
Adjust meta descriptions for culture value preferences in these 7 ways.
Here are 7 ways you need to culture-adjust your meta descriptions.
- Keep it close to 320 words max
- Include keywords for readers
- Write in active voice with energy
- Include a call-to-action
- Make it match your page content
- Structure it legibly and easy to read
- Use rich snippets like:
- Customer comments
- 5-Star rated
- Most popular
Let’s look at Kenny’s results, and compare before and after. Before he started adjusting for cultural values, Kenny had inconsistent results. Since that Kenny has been adjusting for culture, he is generating sales, from overseas alone, of more than $10k every month. Nice.
Content tools to help you adjust and connect with your target cultures
In addition, to learn more about these cultural value preferences, you can read my past blogs:
- Individualistic vs. Collectivistic Cultures / Non-Native English Speakers
- Low vs. High Power Distance Cultures / Non-Native English Speakers
- Nurturing vs. Competitive Communication Cultures / Non-Native English Speakers
- Less vs. More Certainty Comfort Cultures / Non-Native English Speakers
- Short-Term vs. Long-Term Thinking Cultures / Non-Native English Speakers
Further, read these posts to learn how to adjust for your target cultures in social media and more:
- LinkedIn: 10 Ways you need to adjust for other cultures
- Twitter: 10 Ways you need to adjust for other cultures
- Facebook: 10 Ways you need to adjust for other cultures
- Instagram: 10 Ways you need to adjust for other cultures
- WeChat: 5 Ways you need to adjust WeChat in China
- Auto email: 10 Ways you need to adjust for other cultures
- Instant Messages: 10 Ways you need to adjust for other cultures?
Also, read these posts to learn how to adjust your content marketing strategy for other cultures:
- Content strategy: 7 Levels you need to culture-adjust your content strategy
- Calendar roadmap: 8 Steps you need to calendar & adjust for other cultures
- Segment lists: 3 Ways you need to segment your lists for other cultures
- Storytelling ideas: 5 Great storytelling steps you adjust for other cultures
- Storytelling creation: 7 Items you need to improve: Global storytelling content
- SEO split tests: 12 Ways you need to split test blog SEO in other cultures
- Headline building: 7 Ways you need to boost headlines for other cultures
- Captions + Alt: 7 Ways you need to adjust your images for other cultures
- Subhead craft: 10 Ways you need to adjust subheads for other cultures
- Meta Descriptions: 10 Ways you need to culture-adjust meta descriptions
DEFINITION: Giggers – those who have started their own Gig to live the New Gig Economy Lifestyle.
As Amy Africa says, Focus on the top 10%, do you? More later.
Doc Warren Content Coach here…
Watch to learn about Taylor Swift’s Secret of Support 2018.
With my personal coach and mentor clients, and in classes where I teach a How to Become a Life Coach Certification course, we learn to stop others from taking advantage.
Giggers, channel your frustration into power. As The New Rich are effective Entrepreneurs, they have learned to stop others from taking advantage for experiencing optimal lifestyles.
Today we are aligning our Gigger Success Skill #7: Do not let people take advantage, with Gig Business Success Step-5: Know your customer clan.

Content marketing services technique for success
A healthy does of truth serum here. Many people want to do this business, yet they never actually DO it…
Same thing happens often in writer’s circles. People often “say” they are a writer, yet they never write. They never publish.
And so they struggle. Stephen King says it well: “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration. The rest of us just get up and go to work.”
Same line of thought applies to this business pretty well too, doesn’t it? The best writers and business people have rituals.
They sit down, for example from 9 AM till noon, and they WORK. Or they work from 9 PM till midnight.
Results and “MONEY” doesn’t care if we’re inspired or not. Just like a treadmill doesn’t care if we’re inspired to hop on it and walk to lose weight.
If we just “walk” inspired or not, we get RESULTS! The money and results and amazing life comes, if we’ll only sit down and do the work, day by day…
Hope this helps!
===> Here are proven plans to stick to. It simply works, IF you’ll work it.
In your corner.
Focus on the top 10%. The other 90% likely won’t matter. Amy Africa
All the Best,
Warren Linger
Do Not Let People Take Advantage. Exercise #14:
As a Gigger in the global Gig economy, how can you get results Not Let People Take Advantage to build your Gig business to the next level?
Look at these examples where Giggers say they got results to not let people take advantage and found ways to overcome them to feel confident and build their Gig business to support their customer clans.
- I was letting my customers from other countries take advantage, so I’ve automated so I get regular feedback and analytics on results
- I’ve found I my affiliate program was taking advantage of me, so I hired a mentor to help me see what are best results
- My suppliers from other cultures were taking advantage of me, so learned to use analytics and asked for results I needed
Write 3 ways you could get results to not let people take advantage and create your flow systems to have time to feel fully engaged developing yourself in your Gig and for your customer clan.
- –
- –
- –
Look at your list and attack 1 (only one at a time but do try a new one every month) idea to apply this week:
- Write your your idea where you could not let people take advantage.
- List steps you see to overcome (e.g. digital media) to see opportunities and values for your clan.
- Give yourself a metric to measure progress. (e.g. I will set a webinar for my customer clan feedback and learn from them when they want.)
- Reward yourself after you have completed your steps to channel frustrations into unstoppable power.
Debrief: The point here is to get over your own “NO, I can’t,” response and develop yourself so you can have your business success and your optimal lifestyle.
If you are looking at this exercise and saying, “this feels awkward,” that is good. The important part is you will get used to it, as your life, family, and business depend on it.
Focus on the top 10%. The other 90% likely won’t matter. Amy Africa
NOTE: If you don’t learn to not let people take advantage, you may soon join the 80% of small businesses that fail within the first 5 years!
PS: Next time you will learn another step to your Gigger success as you learn to not let people take advantage. If you would like more developing your Gig business to the next level and living your optimal lifestyle, email me at drwarren@cict.co.
Hope this helps.
Doc Warren Linger
PS You’ll also be able to join our private support groups on FB… so you’re never alone in getting your first few months of holiday vacation opening up.
We’ll all be there to celebrate your big successes, and to help you up if and when you should ever fall…

==> Email drwarren@cict.co NOW to coach yourself to your new optimal lifestyle freedom.
You can see examples of innovations for Optimal Experiences at JOIN THE CURATION: Google+.
Remember, come join tomorrow to see more Improving Your Engagement with Screenagers and others inspirational experiences and ideas for Optimal Engagement in the ScreenAge.
Remember to engage tomorrow.
Following with you.
Keep it simple.
- LINKEDIN: www.linkedin.com/in/DrWarrenLINGER
- INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/warrenlinger/
- TUBE SUBSCRIBE: gg.gg/YouTubeDrWarren
Content Marketing Services for Optimal Engagement Lifestyles
As a trainer and university lecturer in the USA, I had great success in my coaching, training, and classrooms by engaging my learners in ways I had learned from my Dale Carnegie Instructor Training. (optimal engagement)
After earning my Doctoral Degree researching engaging instruction in adult education and training and development, I started a training business in Hong Kong.
But something was wrong, I was struggling in this new culture (I’m a cattle rancher’s son from Colorado, USA) to find ways to inspire and motivate my coachees and students in Hong Kong.
With my coachees and in the classroom, I preferred having clients engage in learning activities instead of just talking. This is especially effective to keep clients engaged between coaching calls.
I struggled through trying several paper worksheets and workbooks to guide students, yet I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. (junk engagement)
When the smart phone with the ability to search the internet came along, I could see my clients were curating (i.e. searching, finding, collecting, commenting, changing, remixing, and sharing.)
I thought, “Why not do that for learning?”, so as a result, I started asking them to answer questions, interact with information and colleagues, and go find examples of the learning content using their mobile devices.
Content Marketing eWorkbook development and success
I began searching for possibilities and I struggled testing several apps, until we created best practices using eWorkbooks, and after testing them, began to use eWorkbooks as my clients always had their devices with them.
Then we used eWorkbooks (Google Forms with the training slides as well as interactive questions, curating links and tasks, example images and videos, etc.) This became powerful for my coaching clients as they were able to share ideas and get the benefits of social learning even though they were not in the training course or classroom.
My clients [Engaging Screenagers] completed eWorkbooks using their mobile devices as they were learning interactively while, at the same time, they were developing habits of learning with their devices (optimal engagement) instead of killing time with them. (junk engagement)
Students used eWorkbooks to while I lead the discussion and guided them, and after they submitted their answers, they would get their responses sent to their inbox so they could review their learning Moments of Growth. (optimal engagement)
Because the students’ responses from eWorkbooks go right into a spreadsheet in real-time, as the teacher I can monitor what students are doing to give them guidance in the moment, as well as track their learning develop over time.
Since those early days, I’ve had great luck supporting my coaching clients and entrepreneur friends use Google forms for 360° reviews for evaluations as well as use eBrochures and eMenus to test new ideas and actively engage and actively interact with customers.
All client info has been scrubbed of identifying information unless they have given me specific, written permission to quote them.
Culture success skills adapted from: Cultures and Organizations: Software for the Mind 2nd Ed. (2005) Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede, McGraw Hill, New York.
*Entrepreneurial Foundation>Success Skills adapted from World Life Skills Expert, Jill Raiguel’s awesome book, “The Next Step,” (1991) Amethyst Books, New York.
Your Content Marketing Mentor, Doc Warren LINGER, Amy Africa Focus on the top 10% Image Twitter #ContentCoach #Content-Mentor #GlobalContentMarketing
7+ Ways you need to culture-adjust meta descriptions Content Marketing
Learn more > https://cict.co/7-ways-culture-adjust-meta-descriptions/
How can you adjust meta descriptions for other cultures? Adjust meta descriptions for culture value preferences in these 7 ways. Content tools to help you adjust and connect with your target cultures. Content marketing services technique for success.
#WarrenLINGER, #contentmarketingagency, #contentcoach, #contentmentor, #digitalcontentmarketing, #contentmarketingservices, #contenttools, #contentmarketingblog
Dr Warren LINGER © 2018
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