Most just don’t believe it’s possible… #EngagingScreenagers

Most just don’t believe it’s possible… #EngagingScreenagers
Just use this free tool, it changes lives…
Famous Jazz musician Duke Ellington once said:
“I don’t need more time. What I need is a deadline.”

It’s Dr Warren back with you,

We could deduct that this was one of his secrets to being a prolific artist.
It’s a secret of many NYT Bestselling authors, right? They’re given a deadline to produce their masterpiece.
We have deadlines on the j-o-b, and at school.
Because we can’t get MORE time, can we?
We all have the same 24/7/365 to use as we’d like. (Or to let it or others use US.)
So it’s all about making good use of the time we already have. In a way that gets us what we truly want in life. To do the things that will make us happy.
Something powerful happens when we use deadlines, even multiple times a day.
It makes it REAListic.
And it gets it done.
Some things we can make 500’ tall, when they’re really just a small task to handle.
And that’s how a deadline can help make it real.
For example:
Maybe you’d like to start building a list to communicate with your audience, and give them value by means of email.
And you’d love to be able to generate followers and build a lifestyle that.
(Would it be worth writing an email to get an outsourced team to open 10-20-30 hours per week?)
Writing that first email could seem like a daunting task.
Ever been there?
What will I write?
What will they think?
Will I get sales or nasty replies back?
You could easily “think” yourself out of ever figuring it out and doing it.
Yet, if you set a timer to 45 minutes, and give yourself that time frame to write and get something out there?
You’ll likely DO IT!
That’s the power of timers.
It can create urgency in your life to better attack your to-dos and to get the life you truly desire.
Can you see how this makes sense?
And how it can FREE your time up?
That’s how you can get more done in one day than many can get done in months, or will ever actually do.
It’s how you can follow a system, and actually stick to it and start seeing great income in return.
A kitchen timer picked up at your local store works just fine. Or there’s plenty of free online timers you can use too.
*Set a realistic time to do your next task.
*Start the timer.
And remember this million dollar tip:
If you’re interested in building systems to open 10-20-30 hours of freedom time per week?
And you’re willing to set your timer to 30 minutes a day to follow the plan?
===> Then go get started, asap
All the Best,
Warren Linger
PS The simple timer will set the people apart that WILL do what it takes to do this lifestyle, from those that will keep on dreaming about “what it would be like” to have the results so many others are getting right now.
===> I can spare the 30 minutes a day.

==> Email NOW to coach yourself to your new lifestyle freedom.
You can see examples of innovations for Optimal Experiences at JOIN THE CURATION: Google+.
Remember to engage tomorrow.

Following with you.
Keep it simple.


Engagement background before eWorkbooks
As a trainer and university lecturer in the USA, I had great success in my coaching, training, and classrooms by engaging my learners in ways I had learned from my Dale Carnegie Instructor Training. (optimal engagement)

After earning my Doctoral Degree researching engaging instruction in adult education and training and development, I started a training business in Hong Kong.
But something was wrong, I was struggling in this new culture (I’m a cattle rancher’s son from Colorado, USA) to find ways to inspire and motivate my coachees and students in Hong Kong.
With my coachees and in the classroom, I preferred having clients engage in learning activities instead of just talking. This is especially effective to keep clients engaged between coaching calls.  
I struggled through trying several paper worksheets and workbooks to guide students, but I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. (junk engagement)
When the smart phone with the ability to search the internet came along, I could see my clients were curating (i.e. searching, finding, collecting, commenting, changing, remixing, and sharing.)
I thought, “Why not do that for learning?”, so I started asking them to answer questions, interact with information and colleagues, and go find examples of the learning content using their mobile devices.
eWorkbook development and success
I began searching for possibilities and I struggled testing several apps, until we created best practices using eWorkbooks, and after testing them, began to use eWorkbooks as my clients always had their devices with them.
Then we used eWorkbooks (Google Forms with the training slides as well as interactive questions, curating links and tasksexample images and videos, etc.) This became powerful for my coaching clients as they were able to share ideas and get the benefits of social learning even though they were not in the training course or classroom.
My clients [Engaging Screenagers] completed eWorkbooks using their mobile devices as they were learning interactively while, at the same time, they were developing habits of learning with their devices (optimal engagement) instead of killing time with them. (junk engagement)

Students used eWorkbooks to while I lead the discussion and guided them, and after they submitted their answers, they would get their responses sent to their inbox so they could review their learning Moments of Growth(optimal engagement)
Because the students’ responses from eWorkbooks go right into a spreadsheet in real-time, as the teacher I can monitor what students are doing to give them guidance in the moment, as well as track their learning develop over time.

Since those early days, I’ve had great luck supporting my coaching clients and entrepreneur friends use Google forms for 360° reviews for evaluations as well as use eBrochures and eMenus to test new ideas and actively engage and actively interact with customers.

Most just don’t believe it’s possible… #EngagingScreenagers
That’s how you can get more done in one day than many can get done in months, or will ever actually do. It’s how you can follow a system, and actually stick to
#EngagingScreenagers; #WarrenLINGER; #MomentsofGrowth; #MomentsofEngagement;  #eWorkbooks; #eBrochures; #DrWarrenLINGER; #OptimalEngagement; #JunkEngagement; #EngageintheScreenage;
Dr Warren LINGER © 2017


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